

日期:2022年04月06日 分类:经典语录



1.Greeting People打招呼



(Hi!)How are you?Fine.[Fine,thanks.](嗨!)您好(吗)?很好,谢谢。

How are things?Fine,thanks [Good,All right].近来好吗?很好,谢谢。

How are you today? Fine. [Fine,thanks.]今天好吗?很好。[很好,谢谢。]

How are you doing?Pretty good.过得怎么样?挺不错。

How do you do?您好。(首次见面)

Hello.Is this Mr.Johnson?您好。您是Johnson先生吗?

Hello,Fred?This is Jackie.您好。是Fred吗?我是Jackie。

I'm pleased [glad] to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.很高兴见到您。我也很高兴见到您。

Nice to meet you.

[It's nice to meet you.][It's nice meeting you.]很高兴见到您。

Nice meeting you,too.我也很高兴见到您。

2.In troductions做介绍

1)In troducing Oneself自我介绍

My name is Carlos.我的名字是Carlos。(Hello.)I'mKim.(您好)我是Kim。

Let me introduce myself.请让我来做自我介绍。

I'm your neighbor.我是您的邻居。

2)Introducing Others介绍他人

I'd like to introduce…我想介绍一下……

I'd like to introduce you to my husband,Michael.请让我向您介绍我的丈夫Michael。

I'd like you to meet…我想请您认识一下……

Let me introduce…让我介绍一下……

Let me introduce you to…让我把您介绍给……

This is…这一位是……


1. run into sb./someone=meet someone by chance偶遇

Guess who I ran into today? Our old school friend Nancy! Small world, isn’t it? 猜猜我今天碰到谁了?我们的.老同学Nancy!世界可真小啊!

2. run it to earth: 原意“赶进洞里”,指搜查,追查


The book was out of print, but I eventually ran it to earth at a secondhand bookshop. 那本书已经绝版,但我终于在一家旧书店淘到了它。

3. go to earth/ground: 指人为了躲避外界的纠缠而隐藏起来

The film star eventually went to earth in a small, out-of-the-way cottage. 这位电影明星最后跑到一个荒避的小村舍躲了起来。

4. run of the true love: 真爱之路


Have you ever heard run of the true love? You’ve got to get out of your blue funk first and try to see her again. 你有没有听说过真正的爱情道路不平坦这句话?你首先得振作起来,然后再设法去见她。
