

日期:2023年01月29日 分类:警句格言




A whale is a huge animal, it is full of treasure.

The Japanese whaling, often take a whale as one of the worlds delicious. The Japanese whales catch, is not to eat is to do things, the number of whales now less and less, dont whaling nations, the Japanese whaling. The Japanese had captured 440 minke whales. Is anyway not to put the sell those poor minke whales to hotel. The Japanese whaling said again, we are used to study. In fact, the Japanese whale meat to the restaurant and hotel, just want to get rich. The Japanese would really lie. I really hate them.

The whales that state protection. Now the Japanese whaling. If you dont eat whale hunt to the Japanese, the state is relieved. How do we let the Japanese whaling! This makes the motherland to worry.

I thought, and the Japanese peace, no, they will also have the whaling. Or let them whaling, no. We secretly protecting whales, no. Talk to the Japanese President conditions, no, no, all not line.

We watched the whales by the Japanese to catch to eat! We Chinese will try every way to save the whales!


Blue whale is the worlds largest animal, the body was blue-gray. Now catch the largest blue whale to the site in the Atlantic near the Falklands. This 33.5 m long blue whale, weighing 195 tons that is much greater than its tongue elephant weighing about 3 tons of its 700 kg heart weight, lung weight 1500 kg, the total blood weight of about 8 tons to 9 tons, intestines are half a mile long. Such a large body can only live in the vast ocean. Whale is an outstanding singer in water, "singer" When push "humpback." In 1971, biologists from the United States under the sea seeking the "humpback" voice is analyzed and found a very special sound signals. The original of these "humpback" issued a series of beautiful sounds, sound mildly varying tone. These sounds continued for 30 minutes, then sing from scratch, from the cadence, to judge the degree of light sweet Man, can travel to sea whales never lost. Usefulness of the people all the whales is very good, a lot of dead whales now, so that human beings are to be discarded, we need to protect the whales, so they continue to multiply Health habitat. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Why touch? Yes, I have here a bit information: whales, sea travel will not get lost all use of the whale is a very good person, and now a large number of dead whales, so that human beings are discarded, we need to protect whales, so that they continue to suffer from habitat reproduction. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Whales every day to sleep. Sleep, always a few heads together, and if there are sound, they scattered and went away. Whales can live for decades or a century.


Nowadays,the whales is in danger.Because many countries kill them for different use,they are dying out.To protect our earth and ocean,especially the diversity of creatures.we must realize that we should take effective measures to protect them.If the whales died out,it would have an important influence on other animals in the sea.Also,the environment will be changed.I sincerely hope that we can make our effort to save them!


Whale are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water.Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap.Whales are also in danger from water pollution.We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea.I think people should learn more about whales.


Marine environment is one in water, seawater tolerance hydrolyzate and suspended solids, seabed sediment and marine organisms, including complex systems. Ocean rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources is an indispensable resource treasure house of human beings, with human survival and development of the relationship very close.

The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect the living marine resources, so as not to failure, in order for human sustainable use. In particular, give priority to protect those valuable and critically endangered marine life. According to the UN for investigation, due to overfishing, accidental capture and killing of non-target to allow hunting of marine, coastal shoreline construction, mangrov


My favorite animal is the whale.They live in the sea.And they are big.They look like huge ships.They can swim,float on the sea,catch small fish and spurt water.They are so friendly.  My favorite animal is the dolphin.They live in the ocean.And they are cute and beautiful.They not only swim fast,but are also smart.Their color is gray.They can swim and jump in the ocean.They look like fish,but they are mammals.Dolphins can be trained by people because they can learn things very quickly.They are very friendly,so I love them very much.



Japan's whaling fleet has set out today for the Antarctic to resume a decades-old whale hunt.The fleet has a target of taking in 333 Minke Whales.This is down around two-thirds from previous whale hunts.

Satoshi Kunii, head of Japan's Fisheries Agency, says they are aware of plans by environmental groups to disrupt the hunt again this year. "According to these (reports), they are strongly against the resumption of our research whaling programme and have said things that could be interpreted as vowing to obstruct our operations if they meet up with us at sea. But the Ministry of Fisheries is coordinating with the appropriate ministries to ensure the safety (of this mission) and will continue to deal with this appropriately."

Anti-whaling activists have actively pursued and harassed the Japanese whaling fleet in years-past, which has led to a number of dangerous incidents taking place in the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean.Japan is sending out its fleet again under the same loophole in the International Whaling Commission guidelines which allow countries to kill a number of whales every year for "scientific purposes."However, most of the whale meat ends up on store shelves, even though most people in Japan no longer eat whale meat.

Japan's current government has a stated goal of a return to commercial whaling at some point, though a majority of countries around the world object to the idea.Most of Japan's whaling fleet hails from the western Japanese city of Shimonoseki, which is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's electoral district.


日本渔业部门总干事大村国井说到:"我们知道今年环保组织要干扰捕鲸的具体计划方案。" 不过,他还警告船员要防范反捕鲸活动人士的威胁。他说:“根据有关报告,他们强烈反对我们恢复科学研究捕鲸项目,并且说要在海上拦截我们的渔船作业。但是我们在与有关方面协调,确保这次捕鲸任务的安全。”





Why called Killer Whale? In factit has another name. It back meaning to German (Orca) and its means killer of hall. If A lion calls " king of jungle the orca is king and master the seas.

The orca is animal who never know the mercy and fear. Also it eats any organism in the sea. However it preys blue whales white sharks and sea lions penguins polar beers and delphine that kills make on bones about. That animals differentiate hunting because they hunt in collective manner with comperation significantly whom watch the prey then surprise it and hurt it by strong tails of out the water. Even lose its fixing also to avoid stings which could lead to scratch the body.

In 20XX the killer whales attacked the blue strong whales and it was largest animal live in our world. Its long around 60 feet. 30 killer whales has blockade. The attack strategies: they watch it circularly what it feel them faster. The two of them was in front of it and another two in behind of it also the other blockade it so as not to run away. A lot of killer whales jump highly and disembark him from behind attempt sink it and cut it within 4 hours.







Blue whale is the world's largest animal, the body was blue-gray. Now catch the largest blue whale to the site in the Atlantic near the Falklands. This 33.5 m long blue whale, weighing 195 tons that is much greater than its tongue elephant weighing about 3 tons of its 700 kg heart weight, lung weight 1500 kg, the total blood weight of about 8 tons to 9 tons, intestines are half a mile long. Such a large body can only live in the vast ocean. Whale is an outstanding singer in water, "sing er" When push "humpback." In 1971, biologists from the United States under the sea seeking the "humpback" voice is analyzed and found a very special sound signals. The original of these "humpback" issued a series of beautiful sounds, sound mildly varying tone. These sounds continued for 30 minutes, then sing from scratch, from the cadence, to judge the degree of light sweet Man, can travel to sea whales never lost. Usefulness of the people all the whales is very good, a lot of dead whales now, so that human beings are to be discarded, we need to protect the whales, so they continue to multiply Health habitat. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Why touch? Yes, I have here a bit information: whales, sea travel will not get lost all use of the whale is a very good person, and now a large number of dead whales, so that human beings are discarded, we need to protect whales, so that they continue to suffer from habitat reproduction. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Whales every day to sleep. Sleep, always a few heads together, and if there are sound, they scattered and went away. Whales can live for decades or a century.


