

日期:2022年08月07日 分类:警句格言



return (to)


The capsule gets very hot on re-entry.

航天舱在重返大气层时产生高热。When she was 75 years old, Ting Ling reentered to literary circle

丁玲七十五岁时重返文坛。At that stage he will be 52, young enough to return to politics if he wishes to do so.

那时他将会是52岁,还很年轻,如果他希望的话,仍可重返政坛。An astronomer predicted the return of this comet [predicted that this comet would return].

一位天文学家预言这颗彗星将会重返。Ht got his former job back after a struggle

经过一番努力他重返过去的工作岗位。Spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces

航天器重返大气层是由於重力的作用The thought that one day he might return to his native country has never deserted him.

有朝一日重返故土的`念头始终在他的头脑中萦绕着。a space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramic shield.

重返大气层航天运载工具配备陶瓷保护层装置I also urge more Americans to return to the classroom, this time as teachers.

我还极力主张更多的美国人作为教师重返课堂。But it was hardly two months before violence films, which have top box-office value, staged a comeback


v. 带回,放回,恢复,回到

n. 回来,归还,回报

adj. (票)双程的,往返的;(旅途)返回的,返程的

The return of a prodigal

回头浪子Return ReceiptsSettings for requesting or returning receipts

返回收据有关收据的请求或返回有关的设置To return disappointedly; defeated.

铩羽而归The groom returned to the carriage.

马夫回到马车那儿。Blair will return to London tonight.

