

日期:2022年10月13日 分类:警句格言



第1组 五大基本句型


【例句】Birds can fly.鸟会飞。


【例句】Everybody made fun of him.人人都取笑他。


【例句】These flowers are very beautiful.这些花非常漂亮。


【例句】My parents bought me a nice Christmas present.父母给我买了一件精美的圣诞礼物。


【例句】They painted the door red.他们把门漆成了红色。

第2组 It句型



【例句】It gets colder and colder.天气变得越来越冷。



【例句】It was our manager that/who met me at the airport yesterday.昨天是我们的经理去机场接我的。

3.It+be+形容词(+for sb.)+to do sth.

【例句】It is necessary to increase your vocabulary in studying English.在学习英语中增加你的词汇量是必要的。

4.It+be+形容词(+of sb.)+to do sth.

【例句】It is clever of him to work out such a difficult problem.他把这么难的问题给解决了,他真聪明。


【例句】It is quite clear that the ear of the elephant is like a huge fan.很显然,大象的耳朵像一把大扇子。


【例句】It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.据说,人类天生具有会话能力。



【例句】In fact, it is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.实际上,对警察来说,在一场重大的足球赛中维持秩序是一项艰难的工作。

8.It+is/has been+时间段+since...

【例句】It is three years since I came here.我来这儿已经3年了。

9.It+be+(high) time...

【例句】It is time for lunch.该吃午饭了。

第3组 疑问代词



【例句】What is your elder sister?你姐姐是干什么的?



【例句】One of the twins is very active. What is the other like?这对双胞胎中的一个很活跃。另一个怎么样?

3.What+do/does+主语+look like?


【例句】What does Clark look like?克拉克长什么样?

4.What do you think of...? 关于……你有什么看法?


【例句】What do you think of our new English teacher?你认为我们的新英语老师怎么样?

第4组 不定代词

1.one..., the other...


【例句】He has two sons. One is a doctor and the other is a soldier.他有两个儿子。一个是医生,另一个是军人。

2.some..., others...(不确定范围中的)


【例句】Some boys are playing football, and others are playing basketball.一些男孩子在踢足球,另外一些在打篮球。

3.none (+of+复数可数名词或不可数名词)

【用法】none接指人或物的可数名词或不可数名词,后面可以跟of结构;no one只能接指人的可数名词,后面不能跟of结构。

【例句】None of the money was missing.钱一点儿也没丢。

第5组 年龄

1.at (the age of)+基数词在……岁时

【例句】He was struck down by cancer at (the age of) thirty.他30岁时死于癌症。

2.in one’s+整十数的复数 在某人几十多岁时

【例句】My mother became a professor in her thirties.我妈妈三十多岁时就成了一名教授。

3.基数词+years old ……岁

【例句】He is eighteen years old, when he starts to live on his own.他18岁了,是开始独立生活的年龄了。

第6组 倍数

1.倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as... ……是……的……倍

【例句】Ten years ago the population of our village was twice as large as that of theirs.十年前我们村的人口是他们村人口的两倍。

第7组 形容词的原级、比较级、最高级



【例句】Mary's spoken English is as good as mine.玛丽的口语和我的一样好。

2.not as/so+形容词原级+as...


【例句】She is not as/so happy as she pretends.她并不像她假装得那么高兴。



【例句】Lesson Four is more difficult than Lesson Three.第四课比第三课难。



【例句】I am no taller than you.我和你一样都不高。



【例句】The computer is cheaper and cheaper.电脑越来越便宜了。

6.be senior/junior/superior/inferior to...


【例句】I am five years senior to Jane.我比简大五岁。

7.the+(序数词+)形容词最高级(+名词)(+比较范围) (……中)最/第几……的(……)

【例句】The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国的第二长河。

第8组 副词的原级、比较级、最高级



【例句】John works as hard as his elder brother.约翰和他哥哥一样工作努力。



【例句】It doesn't rain as/so often here as it does in my country.这里不如我们国家下雨频繁。



【例句】Usually the paperback book is more widely accepted than the hardcover one.通常来说,平装书要比精装书更容易被接受。



【例句】I run not faster than my deskmate.我不比我同桌跑得快。



【例句】He ran faster and faster on the last lap.他在最后一圈时跑得越来越快。

6.like...better (than...)


【例句】I like movies better than TV plays.比起电视剧,我更喜欢电影。

第9组 副词的常用句型

1.too...to... 太……而不能……


【例句】The girl is too young to dress herself.这个女孩太小,不能自己穿衣服。

2.enough to... ……足以……


【例句】Would you be good enough to take my bag upstairs for me?你能否好心帮我把包拿到楼上?

3.so+主语+be/助动词/情态动词 ……确实如此

【例句】—It was very cold yesterday.昨天很冷。

—So it was.确实很冷。

第10组 情态动词常用句型

1.would rather do...than do...


【例句】She would rather fail than cheat in the examination.她宁愿考试不及格,也不愿作弊。

2.cannot but do... 只好做……


【例句】We cannot but wait until Jane comes.我们只好等到简来。

3.cannot/can never...too...


【例句】You cannot be too careful to cross the road.过马路时再怎么小心都不为过。

4.主语+used to/would+do... 过去常常

【例句】I would go swimming in this river when I was young.我小时候常在这条河里游泳。

5.had better (not) do... 最好(不)做……

【例句】You had better not wait for them.你最好不要等他们。

6.must have done... 一定/准是做过……


【例句】She knows the story very well. She must have read the book.她对这个故事很熟悉。她一定读过这本书。

第11组 不定式

1.(not)in order (not)so as (not) +to do... 不定式作目的状语

【用法】to do, in order to do作目的状语可以位于句首,但so as to do不可以。

【例句】In order not to be late, she cut across the fields.为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过了田野。



形容词/副词+enough+to do... 不定式作结果状语

【例句】How could you be so stupid as to believe him?你怎么这么笨,竟然相信他的话?

第12组 动名词

1.stop doing...stop to do停止原有的动作...停下来去做另一件事

【例句】Many people stop doing exercise when they eat less.很多人吃得少的时候就不锻炼了。

2.forget/remember doing...忘记/记得做过

forget/remember to do... 忘记/记得要做

【例句】He forgot telling her about the final exam.他不记得已告诉过她关于期末考试的事了。

3.nmean doing...mean to do...意味着做……打算做……

【例句】My new job will mean travelling all over the world.我的新工作需要在世界各地到处跑。

4.regret doing...regret to do...后悔以前曾做过……很遗憾要做……

【例句】—Robert is indeed a wise man.罗伯特确实是个很聪明的人。

5.try doing...try to do...试着做……努力去做……

【例句】She tried living alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home.她尝试着一个人生活,但并不喜欢这样,于是又搬回家了。

第13组 感叹句


【例句】Look! How excited the boys are!看!那些男孩多么兴奋!



【例句】What a wonderful plan you have made!/How wonderful a plan you have made!你制订的计划真棒!

第14组 反意疑问句


【例句】 He must work hard at physics, mustn’t he?他必须努力学习物理,是吗?

2.No one/Someone...+谓语...,谓语+they?谓语+he?


【例句】No one was there that day, was he/were they?那天没有人在那里,是吗?



【例句】Everything that he said is true, isn’t it?他说的都是真的,是吗?



【例句】This means we have failed, doesn’t it?这意味着我们已经失败了,是吗?

5.There be...,谓语+there?

【用法】陈述部分为There be句式时,其反意疑问句的附加问句仍用“...there”。

【例句】There will be an important meeting tomorrow, won't there? 明天有一个重要的会议,是不是?

6.祈使句。will you/won’t you?

【用法】肯定祈使句的反意疑问句,附加问句用will you, 〖JP〗won't you均可;否定祈使句只能用will you。

【例句】Come and play football with us, will you/won't you?过来和我们一起踢足球,好吗?

7.Let's..., shall we?Let us/Let me..., will you?

【例句】Let's have lunch together, shall we?我们一起吃午饭吧,好吗?

第15组 主语从句


【例句】Whether she will join us does not matter too much.她是否会加入到我们中来并不太重要。


【例句】It is a pity that you missed such a good lecture.你错过了一场这么好的讲座真是可惜。

第16组 宾语从句


【例句】They told us once again that this would never happen.他们再次告诉我们这种事情不会发生。



【例句】I'm sure that he will come tomorrow.我确信他明天会来。


【用法】what, who, whom, whose, which等连接代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语等。

【例句】Do you know who/whom he is waiting for at the school gate?你知道他正在学校门口等谁吗?


【用法】when, where, how, why等在从句中作状语,表示时间、地点、方式、原因等。

【例句】We haven't discussed yet where we are going to place our new furniture.我们还没有讨论应把我们的新家具放在哪里。


【例句】Did he tell you whether/if he would come the next day? 他告诉你他第二天是否来了吗?


【例句】Whether this is true or not, I am not sure.我不确定这是不是真的。


【例句】He asked me whether I would move to New York if I got the job.他问我如果我得到那份工作是否会搬到纽约去。

第17组 表语从句


【例句】The reason why she called me was that she would not attend the party.她给我打电话的原因是她不来参加派对了。

第18组 同位语从句


【例句】He received the order that he should come back by the noon.他收到命令,中午之前要回来。

第19组 定语从句



【例句】Do you know the girl who is standing under the tree?你认识站在树下的那个女孩吗?



【例句】This note was left by Tom, who was here a moment ago.这个便条是汤姆留下的,刚才他还在这里。

第20组 状语从句


【例句】It may be many years before the situation improves.这种状况或许要过很多年才能得到改善。



【例句】It was three weeks since he was ill.他的病已经好了三周了。


【例句】The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair because he wanted to sit next to

his wife.那位老人让露西挪到另外一张椅子上,因为他想跟他的妻子挨着坐。

4.主句+(al)though/as/while/even though/even if引导的让步状语从句

【例句】Although regular exercise is very important, it’s never a good idea to exercise too

close to bedtime.尽管经常锻炼很重要,但在临睡前锻炼绝对不是个好主意。

5.主句+so that/in order that/in case引导的目的状语从句

【例句】I’ll run slowly so that you can catch up with me.为了能让你赶上我,我会慢慢跑。

6.主句+if/unless/as long as引导的条件状语从句

【例句】I shall go tomorrow unless it rains.如果不下雨,我明天去。

7.主句+as soon as/directly/immediately等引导的时间状语从句 一……就……

【例句】Directly our maths teacher came in, everyone was quiet.我们的数学老师一进来,大家就都安静下来了。

第21组 There be句型

1.There (+助动词/情态动词)+be+主语...

【例句】There is a lot of meat on the plate.盘子里有很多肉。

2.There+助动词/情态动词+not+be be+not/no+主语...

【例句】There isn’t a telephone in the room.房间里没有电话。

第22组 倒装句型



【例句】Little did Rose care about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.尽管自己处于相当危险的境地,但是罗丝几乎没考虑自己的安全。


【用法】在so... that...句式中,so...部分置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。

【例句】So sudden was the attack that the enemy had no time to escape.袭击是如此突然,以至于敌人根本没有时间逃跑。



【例句】Only if you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit and stay healthy.只有合理膳食才会保持身体健康。

4.Not until...+be/助动词/情态动词+主语...

【用法】时间状语not until...置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。

【例句】Not until the motorbike looked almost new did he stop repairing and cleaning it.直到把摩托车修理、擦洗得几乎跟新的一样他才作罢。

5.Not only...+be/助动词/情态动词+主语...but also...

【用法】not only...置于句首时,其所在的分句用部分倒装,其中also有时可以省略。

【例句】Not only does he do well in his lessons, but he often helps others with their lessons.他不但自己学习好,还经常帮助别人学习。

6.Hardly had+主语...+when...No sooner had+主语...+than....

【用法】hardly, no sooner 置于句首时,hardly, no sooner所在的.句子用部分倒装。

【例句】Hardly had he uttered the words when she began laughing. 他刚一开口说话,她就笑了。

第23组 虚拟语气在状语从句中的用法

1.If...did/were..., 主语+would/should/could/might do...


【例句】If I were eleven years younger, I would dance as well as them.如果我年轻11岁,我会跟他们跳得一样好。

2.If...had done...,主语+would/should/could/might have done...


【例句】If we had taken the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.如果我们走了另一条路的话,或许就能及时赶到这里开会了。

3.If...did/were to do/should do...,主语+would/should/could/might do...

【用法】表示与将来事实相反的假设。从句谓语动词用过去式、“should+动词原形”或“were to+动词原形”,主句谓语动词用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。

【例句】If it were fine tomorrow, I would go shopping.如果明天天气好,我就去购物。

4.If...had done..., 主语+would do...

If...should do..., 主语+would have done...

【例句】If he had set out earlier, he would be home now.如果他早点出发的话,他现在就已经到家了。


【用法】if引导的虚拟条件句的谓语动词中含有should, were, had时,可将if省略,而将should, were, had提前,构成倒装。

【例句】Should it happen(=If it should happen), what would you do?如果真发生了这样的事,你怎么办?

6.With/Without/But for+名词,主语+虚拟语气形式的谓语...

【用法】句子的虚拟条件是通过词或短语如with, without, otherwise, but for等来表示的。

【例 句】But for the help of my English teacher, I would not have won the first prize in the English Writing Competition.如果没有英语老师的帮助,我不可能在英语写作比赛中获得一等奖。

7.主句+as if+(从句)主语+did/had done...

【用法】as if引导的从句常用虚拟语气,用一般过去时表示与现在事实相反的情况;用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反的情况。

【例句】She acted as if she had been the hostess yesterday.她昨天表现得就好像她是女主人似的。

第24组 虚拟语气在名词性从句中的用法

1.wish (that)+主语+did/had done/would do...


【例句】I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year around.我希望北京全年都是秋天。

2.suggest/recommend/insist等+(that)+主语+(should) do...

【例 句】Teachers recommend parents not allow their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.为了安全,老师建议家长们不要让未满12岁的孩子骑自行车来上学。

3.would rather+主语+did/had done...

【用法】would rather后的从句用一般过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。

【例句】George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I?d rather he focused more on its culture.乔治打算谈谈他们国家的地理,但是我却愿意他多谈一下他们的文化。

4.It is+形容词/名词/过去分词+that+主语+(should) do...

【例句】It is strange that the girl (should) be so rude.那个女孩那么无礼,这真奇怪。

5.suggestion/advice/demand等+that+主语(+should) do...


【例句】My suggestion is that we (should) get started soon.我的建议是我们应该尽快出发。
