

日期:2022年11月06日 分类:警句格言


 1. Yum 表示东西好吃的一种语气词。例如:I like this cake, yum!

2. Bravo 棒极了!好极了!来自意大利语。例如:Bravo!! Man!! 太棒了老兄!

3. Meow 猫叫的声音,也常用在无聊时,例如:Meow~~ you wanna hit the bar tonight? (无聊音)你今晚想去酒吧吗?

4. meh. 表示无所谓,没兴趣,一般般。例如,A: What do you want for dinner? B: Meh. I'm not hungry. A: 你晚上想吃什么?B: 无所谓,我不饿。

5. Are you glued to the TV watching the Voice of China finale?你是不是正在在目不转睛地看中国好声音夺冠赛?Who do you root for? 你挺谁?

6. back on the market. 恢复单身。single and ready to mingle. 单身求交往

7. make one's (own) bed 可直译为铺床,to make one's (own) bed 也指自作自受。

8. here today, gone tomorrow它表示某人或某物只是短暂停留,今天来明天去,例如:He had a string of girlfriends, but they were always here today, gone

tomorrow. 他有一堆女朋友,但是她们都是今儿来明儿走(都是短暂的停留,


9. A good Samaritan. 做好事不留名的人。

10. 承认错误: 1. I'm sorry. 对不起。 2. It's all my fault. 都是我的错。

3. My bad. 是我不好。 4. I apologize. 我认错。5. I'll make it up to you. 我会

补偿你。6. It won't happen again. 不会有下次了。7. Please forgive me. 请你

原谅我。8. Please give me another chance. 再给我一次机会吧。

11. for good 意思是彻底永远。I left him for good. 我跟他彻底分手了。 另外一种类似说法是 once and for all. 终于,彻底地。I am sick and tired of all

the lies. I'm gonna come clean once and for all. 我对谎言已经烦不胜烦,我准


12. 我们在说一个事物很赞很非同一般时,除了说great,excellent,wonderful,extremely unconventional以外,还可以用个地道的俚语:far-out,它的意思

是即极好的,新颖的,例如:This music is really far-out. 这音乐简直太赞了!

13. It's out of this world. 太棒了。It's top-notch. 一级棒。I give it five stars. 我给五颗星。It's a must do. 一定要去试试。It's a must see. 一定要去看。

14. 『实用“NOT”』1.Not today.今天不行。2.Not a word.保持安静。3.Not so fast.

不要那么快。4.Not a chance.一点机会也没有。5.Not at all.一点也不。

6.Not good enough.还不够好。7.Not again.不会再来一次吧。8.Not possible.

不可能。9.Not a soul in sight.半个人影也没有。1.Not really.不见得。

2.Not exactly.不是全然如此。3.Not necessarily.未必。4.Not entirely.不全然。

5.Not usually.一般不会(是)。6.Not yet.还没。7.Not all.不是全部。

8.Not always.不是每次。 9.Not now.现在不行 10.Not my style.不是我的作风。

11.差三天一个月,就是 three days short of a month, 差两个月一年就是 two

months short of a year.

15. go的口语高频用法 1.How's it going最近怎么样/进展如何 2.go with Plan B 采取B方案 3.go with John 赞成John 4.You going out tonight?你今晚出去玩

吗 5.They've been going out for like 10 weeks他俩约会大概有10个礼拜了

16. “不靠谱”:flaky,例如:He is too flaky to do the work. 他太不靠谱了没法胜任那份工作。 “不靠谱的人”则是:flake,例如:He's such a flake. 他是个不

靠谱的人。靠谱是 reliable, trustworthy, dependable.

17. 机会很小怎么说。1) The chances are slim to none. 几乎不可能。2) The odds are stacked against us. 我们机会不大。3) There is little chance that he will

come around. 他回心转意可能性不大。4) a ghost of a chance. 如,We have

just a ghost of a chance to win. 我们赢的可能性微乎其微。

18. 溜号怎么说。1. sneak away. 2. steal away. 3. duck out of somewhere。如,We ducked out of the meeting to watch the second half of the game. 我们偷偷从


19. 回复“thank you/thanks”,1)You're welcome 不客气/Don't mention it 不客气、甭谢了;2)My pleasure/It's a pleasure 我很荣幸(为你效劳);3)Anytime随

时吩咐;还可以很随意地说sure或It's OK。

20. to kiss something goodbye 意思是失去某事If you criticize your boss in public, you might as well kiss your job goodbye. 公开批评老板,你就离走人不远了。

21. 不用再说了。I don't want to hear another word of it. 或 I don't want to hear it! 我不想再听了(生气时说的) 。此外,Say no more. 不用再说了,则是表示我


22. 无所事事怎么说 to twiddle one's thumbs. 如,Everyone is busy, but she just sits there and twiddles her thumbs. 大家都在忙, 只有她无所事事。另 not lift a finger 一个手指头都不动,意思是偷懒。She is so spoiled. She never lifts a finger around the house. 她被惯坏了,在家什么活也不干

23. Lucky you! 你真幸运!Lucky me! 我真是幸运! 2. dumb luck 狗屎运,Don't flatter yourself. It was just dumb luck. 别自我陶醉了,那不过是狗屎运罢了。

24. 心不在焉:1) His mind is elsewhere. 他心思没在这。She seemed million miles away when the teacher called on her. 老师叫到她的时候,她正在走神。

2)Why are you always so absent-minded? 你怎么老心不在焉?3)I'm sorry, you were saying? I was daydreaming. 对不起,你说什么,我刚才走神了。

25. 形容一个人啰嗦,话太多,整天说些没用的.东西,:run off at the mouth, to talk too much,例如:He is always running off at the mouth. 他总是罗里吧嗦的废话很多。She is a chatterbox. 她整个一话匣子。He is a motormouth./He is a blabbermouth. 他说起话来没完没了。

26. He/She is on the short side. 稍许委婉些。说女孩子还可以用She is petite. 意思是她身材娇小。还有一种委婉的说法叫 vertically challenged (个矮)

27. goody two-shoes 指循规蹈矩从不犯错的人,也叫 goody-goody. 如,She was a goody two-shoes back in high school and nobody ever dared ask her out. 上高中那会她可正经了,没人敢约她出去。

28. 出租收费叫 taxi fare/cab fare. 打车叫 hail a taxi, hail a cab. 出租司机可以叫 taxi driver, 也可以叫 cabbie 或 cab driver. 起步价叫 meter drop. 如果你中途停车办事让车等,可以说 keep the meter running. 让表继续走

29. “there there” 是口语里安慰别人时说的,就好象中文里的“好了好了”。

30. 该睡觉了。It's time for bed. 该上床睡觉了。It's way past my usual bedtime. 早过了我平时睡觉的时间了。I am going to hit the hay. 我要去睡了。Why are you still up? 你怎么还没睡?I can't fall asleep. 我睡不着。I am staying up late to watch the game. 我今天晚点睡看比赛。
