

日期:2022年01月19日 分类:励志名言

猴王的记忆 The Memory of Monkey King英语作文

Every year, the Spring Festival Gala catches people’s attention. They are keeping their eyes on the shows, seeing if they are interested. It is said that the Monkey King should be on the show this year, but at last, the director changed his idea and decided to kick the Monkey King out. The news was leaked out, people felt angry about it, as the Monkey King was such a classic character, what’s more, this year belonged to the monkey year, so people thought it was necessary to let the Monkey King be on the gala. I watched the classic TV series Going to the West, the monkey king is such funny and so many people like him. Even though so many years has passed, still many young people like to watch this TV series. The memory of monkey king will still lingers on people’s mind.


有趣的记忆英语作文:A Funny Memory

Oh God! I think I was about seven and half when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt. I remember watching television with them and the show on happened to be our favorite program to watch. All of a sudden we heard my brother, Chris, yelling from the backyard. So we all headed out there to see what happened. When we finally located him, he was in a tree hanging from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained to us that he had climbed up the tree and couldn‘t get down. We thought, okay, one of us should climb up and get him off, but we couldn‘t manage to get him moving down.

It was then my youngest sister, Ka, who was five and a half at the time had seen a similar situation. She suggested we grab a sheet, hold it under the branch Chris was hanging off of, and tell him to drop so we can catch him. My other sister, Yams, who is one year younger than me, peered at me to confirm the idea and I said "Yeah, let‘s try that".So we grabbed a sheet from the closet and went to hold it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were ranging from seven and a half to five and a half, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were confident it could work.

We looked up to Chris and he looked down at us a bit hesitant. I don‘t blame him the poor guy. It was then we told him to let go and to fall on his back. Chris looked at me and asked "Are you sure I‘ll land on the blanket?" Now, my brother at the age of four, had a cute squeaky voice. But because of a problem at birth with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out more like this, "Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?", "Yup!", I told him, "We‘re sure!" and he let go.Now when I think about Chris letting go of that branch, I think of his faith in me and my sisters and I also think how stupid he was to trust us, cause when that boy let go he was in for a big surprise. Chris fell right through that sheet and landed right on his stomach. And no matter how tight we held on to the sheet, he still managed to get through.

We were shocked and a bit worried and we looked at the ground where he landed. This tiny seventy pound boy had made a hole right through the sheet and landed. He was positioned like one of those chalk drawings you find after a homicide, with one arm near the head another to the side and the knee bent a bit. We might as well have drawn an outline because he wasn‘t moving. So we bent down to check if he was still alive and when we asked him if he was okay he uttered these five words… "Ah stee hi da flow" in other words, "I still hit the floor!" Poor little man! But before you condemn us, Chris is fourteen now and he still bugs us about it, any tree he climbs he gets down on his own and, strangely, he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. Now he can write that he had personal experience about jumping and catching. See, no harm done…

The most beautiful memory

My grandma lived in the country twelve years ago. At that time, I often went to visit my grandparents with my parents during the holidays. Although I was very young then, now I can still remember a lot of things there clearly.

I was very glad when we went to the country. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful things in the countryside. My grandpa grew many kinds of vegetables in his garden, such as cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Every morning, he fetched water from a river, and then watered the vegetables. Grandpa took good care of his vegetables as if they were his children. When autumn came, the garden was covered with greenery(绿色植物). Grandpa was always happy to see that. My grandma kept many chickens. They were all very lively. I liked playing with them; sometimes I had dinner with them playing around. I always thought they loved me.

There was a small forest near my grandparents’ house. The trees were very thick. I usually played with my cousin in the woods after a meal. We could hear the birds singing in the trees and see many small animals playing in the grass. The air in the woods was fresh because of the trees. We usually played a game called “Mud Fighting”(打泥仗). First, we made mud balls. The more, the better; the bigger, the better. Then, we threw them at each other. The person who hit the other person first was the winner. We liked the game though it made our clothes dirty.

In front of the woods, there was a small river. The water in the river was very clean and not very deep. In summer, it was quite cool. However, it became warm in winter. I could see many fishes in the river. Sometimes, my grandpa caught some fishes for supper. How delicious they were! There was a bridge which was made of stone over the river. I could go across the bridge to the other side. There were also many beautiful flowers and lines of trees on the banks of the river.

Eight years ago my grandparents moved to the city and I’ve never gone to that village. However, I still remember it. I love the village and everything there and I will remember it forever!


After seeing so many movies about the youth, we are starting to wonder about what do we have in our youth, the fight, the drink or the love? My answer is no. What we see from the movie is not true, the plots are exaggerated and misunderstood. For students, their youth is the process of fighting. They have studied so hard to realize their dreams. When they are in primary school, they want to do well and make their parents be proud of them. When they are in middle school and high school, they need to take part in the exams so as to enter the better future schools. Even they are in college, they still need to study and fight for the ideal job. There is no doubt that most people keep fighting for their future and this is the memory of youth.

