

日期:2019年09月27日 分类:优美句子

例句:Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish.



一、读音:ɪntə  'ɪntʊ  'ɪntuː  ; ˋɪntə  ˋɪntu  ˋɪntu 

二、释义:进入,到…里面 | 从事;卷入 | 〔表示状态的改变〕

三、相关短语:burst into闯入 ; 突然发作 ; 闯进 ; 开出enter into开始从事 ; 进入 ; 参加 ; 开始dip into浸一浸 ; 翻阅一下 ; 浏览 ; 蘸


  1. The whole banking system was thrown into confusion.整个银行系统陷入一片混乱。

  2. He thrust his hand into his coat pocket.他把手插进大衣口袋里。

  3. There must be another way into the cave.一定有其他的路可以进入洞穴。

  4. He almost bumped into me as he rushed past.他飞奔而过,差点撞到我。

用 FIT。



He also works to fit the answer he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.他还致力于将已知诸多问题的答案用于解决更多的世界运行规律问题 fit into 可以塞进去 My finger cannot fit into the bottle neck 我的手塞不进瓶颈。

用change into造句

divide into造句:all things invariably divide into two 事物总是一分为二的 解析:造句,动词词语,是指用词语组织句子。


词目:造句 基本:[sentence-making] 引证解释: 把词组织成句子。


用crash into造句 并翻译

Their car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean. 他们的车撞上护栏.飞机在海洋上坠毁. A car crash into a big tree. 一辆小汽车撞到了一棵大树上。

He crashed into a stationary bus. 他撞了一辆停着不动的公共汽车。

The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg. 泰坦尼克号客轮因撞上一个大冰山而沉没。

Their car crashed into a guardrail. 他们的车撞上护栏.The airplane crashed over the ocean. 飞机在海洋上坠毁.望采纳...

用come into use 造句

1. Recently computers have come into use for storage and retrieval of these data. 近年来计算机已用来储存和提取这些资料。

2. Ultra low temperature for medical research should come into usein no time 超低温应尽速用于医学研究。

3. Throughout the world come into use the same signs and symbols of mathematics. 全世界都采用相同的数学符号。

- 4. Multichannel sparker recording has recently come into use for shallow-penetration. 多道火花发生器记录系统,最近开始已在浅层勘测中应用。


请用make from/of/in/by/into造句,十句就好,别太长!而且我是初三学...

The desk is made of wood.这张桌子是由木头制作的。

The paper we use is made from wood and bamboo.这种纸是由木材和竹子制成的。

This brand of cellphones are made in China.这种品牌的手机是中国制造的。

This kind of shirts are made by factories in Wenzhou.这种衬衫是由温州的工厂生产的。

This sort of glass can be made into bottles.这种玻璃可以被加工成瓶子。


用dive into water造三个英语句子

1.The life processes continue until death .生命的进程持续到死。

2.Children dance to music until the music stops . 孩子们跟随音乐跳舞直到音乐停止。

3.The court adjourned from Friday until Monday . 法庭自星期五休庭至星期一。

4.The shop is open until midnight那个商店营业到午夜5.We have to pause until we get approval . 我们必须暂停,直到获得认可。

6.Not until we lose health do we know its value . 我们直到失去健康才知道健康的价值。

7.I was skating until that other boy ran into me . 我溜冰溜得好好的,谁叫那个男孩撞到我。

8.Fine , until that asset is worth less than the outstanding loan . 等到这笔财产的价值低于未偿贷款的时候,罚款。

9.I will persist until I succeed . 坚持不懈。


10.So I prayed until that day when our hearts will beat as one . 我会一直祈祷,直到有一天,我们的心跳合二为一。

