

日期:2019年10月22日 分类:优美句子

1、He will get married. 他就快结婚了。

2、She will have a daughter.她就会有个女儿了。

3、The cat will have a master.猫要有主人了。

4、The dog will have a house. 狗就要有窝了。

5、Telephone me this evening. I‘ll be at home. 今晚给我打电话,我会在家。

6、I'll(shall/will)do a better job next time. 下次我要干得好

7、The car won‘t start.车开不了啦。

8、Oil and water will not mix. 油水

9、Why will you be here on Sunday?周日你为什么将要在这儿?

10、I will have a meeting on Sunday.我将要在周日举行一个聚会。

11、The letter will be sent tomorrow.这封信明天将寄出去。

12、We shall be punished if we break the rule.如果我们违反规定,我们将受到惩罚。

13、I will be clear tomorrow . 我会把这件事弄个水落石出。

14、I shall come back in ten minutes .我会在10分钟后回来。

15、he shall be rewarded. 他会得到回报。

16、Tomorrow will be Sunday. 明天就是星期天。

17、The rain will stop soon. 雨很快就要停了。

18、Shall we go there at five? 我们五点钟去那儿?

19、Will you please open the door? 请你把门打开?

20、We're going to meet outside the school gate. 我们打算在校门口见面。



2、一般将来时常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 );in the future(将来)等。 一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称) 动词原形构成。美式英语则不管什么人称,一律用will。或用主语+be动词 + going to 动词(be going to)。

3、肯定句:主语+ be going to do /主语+will+ 动词原形。

4、否定句:主语+ be not going to do /主语+ will not+ 动词原形。

5、疑问句:Be动词+主语+ going to do /Will+主语+ 动词原形。



现在进行时:I'm answering your questions.I'm swimming.He's playing computer games.She's singing a song.They're playing cards.We are watching TV.Are you listening to music?He's doing homework.She is dancing.They're playing tennis.将来时I will go to school tomorrow.He will visit his parents this evening.She will go to college this summer.We will have a happy day the day after tomorrow.We will have a lunch together.They will play table tennis this week.He will play chess next week.He will play soccer tomorrow.He will play basketball next month.I'm going to shopping.


Lily said that she would come to China .LILY曾说她要到中国来.The report said that the film star would come to Henan next Sunday.报道说那位电影明星将在下周日来河南.Mother said that she would do these things.妈妈说她会把那些事情做了.你可以找本语法书,上面会有详细介绍,希望这两个句子对你有用.


1、He will get married. 他就快结婚了。

2、She will have a daughter.她就会有个女儿了。

3、The cat will have a master.猫要有主人了。

4、The dog will have a house. 狗就要有窝了。

5、Telephone me this evening. I'll be at home. 今晚给我打电话,我会在家。

6、I'lldo a better job next time. 下次我要干得好 7、The car won't start.车开不了啦。

8、Oil and water will not mix. 油水 9、Why will you be here on Sunday?周日你为什么将要在这儿? 10、I will have a meeting on Sunday.我将要在周日举行一个聚会。

11、The letter will be sent tomorrow.这封信明天将寄出去。

12、We shall be punished if we break the rule.如果我们违反规定,我们将受到惩罚。

13、I will be clear tomorrow . 我会把这件事弄个水落石出。

14、I shall come back in ten minutes .我会在10分钟后回来。

15、he shall be rewarded. 他会得到回报。

16、Tomorrow will be Sunday. 明天就是星期天。

17、The rain will stop soon. 雨很快就要停了。

18、Shall we go there at five? 我们五点钟去那儿? 19、Will you please open the door? 请你把门打开? 20、We're going to meet outside the school gate. 我们打算在校门口见面。

扩展资料: 1、一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。



如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 );in the future(将来)等。

一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称) 动词原形构成。


或用主语+be动词 + going to 动词(be going to)。

3、肯定句:主语+ be going to do /主语+will+ 动词原形。

4、否定句:主语+ be not going to do /主语+ will not+ 动词原形。

5、疑问句:Be动词+主语+ going to do /Will+主语+ 动词原形。

