

日期:2019年10月24日 分类:优美句子

1、Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.

——George Washington



2、There is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures provided we will but take it as a joke when we find it.

——Washington Irving



3、It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.





WASHINGTON, George , first president of the U.S., commander in chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution. He symbolized qualities of discipline, aristocratic duty, military orthodoxy, and persistence in adversity that his contemporaries particularly valued as marks of mature political leadership. Washington was born on Feb. 22, 1732, in Westmoreland Co., Va., the eldest son of Augustine Washington , a Virginia planter, and Mary Ball Washington . Although Washington had little or no formal schooling, his early notebooks indicate that he read in geography, military history, agriculture, deportment, and composition and that he showed some aptitude in surveying and simple mathematics. In later life he developed a style of speech and writing that, although not always polished, was marked by clarity and force. Tall, strong, and fond of action, he was a superb horseman and enjoyed the robust sports and social occasions of the Virginia planter society. At the age of 16 he was invited to join a party to survey lands owned by the Fairfax family west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. His journey led him to take a lifelong interest in the development of western lands. In the summer of 1749 he was appointed official surveyor for Culpeper Co., and during the next two years he made many surveys for landowners on the Virginia frontier. In 1753 he was appointed adjutant of one of the districts into which Virginia was divided, with the rank of major. Early Military Experience. Washington played an important role in the struggles preceding the outbreak of the French and Indian War. He was chosen by Lt. Gov. Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia to deliver an ultimatum calling on French forces to cease their encroachment in the Ohio River valley. The young messenger was also instructed to observe the strength of French forces, the location of their forts, and the routes by which they might be reinforced from Canada. After successfully completing this mission, Washington, then a lieutenant colonel, was ordered to lead a militia force for the protection of workers who were building a fort at the Forks of the Ohio River. Having learned that the French had ousted the work party and renamed the site Fort Duquesne, he entrenched his forces at a camp named Fort Necessity and awaited reinforcements. A successful French assault obliged him to accept articles of surrender, and he departed with the remnants of his company. Washington resigned his commission in 1754, but in May 1755 he began service as a volunteer aide-de-camp to the British general Edward Braddock, who had been sent to Virginia with a force of British regulars. A few kilometers from Fort Duquesne, Braddock抯 men were ambushed by a band of French soldiers and Indians. Braddock was mortally wounded, and Washington, who behaved gallantly during the conflict, narrowly escaped death. In August 1755 he was appointed to command the Virginia regiment, charged with the defense of the long western frontier of the colony. War between France and Britain was officially declared in May 1756, and while the principal struggle moved to other areas, Washington succeeded in keeping the Virginia frontier relatively safe. The American Revolution. After the death of his elder half brother Lawrence , Washington inherited the plantation known as Mount Vernon. A spectacular rise in the price of tobacco during the 1730s and ?0s, combined with his marriage in 1759 to Martha Custis, a young widow with a large estate, made him one of the wealthiest men in Virginia. Elected to the House of Burgesses in 1758, he served conscientiously but without special distinction for 17 years. He also gained political and administrative experience as justice of the peace for Fairfax Co. Like other Virginia planters, Washington became alarmed by the repressive measures of the British crown and Parliament in the 1760s and early ?0s. In July 1774 he presided over a meeting in Alexandria that adopted the Fairfax Resolves, calling for the establishment and enforcement of a stringent boycott on British imports prior to similar action by the First Continental Congress. Together with his service in the House of Burgesses, his public response to unpopular British policies won Washington election as a Virginia delegate to the First Continental Congress in September and October 1774 and to the Second Continental Congress in 1775. The opening campaigns of the war. When fighting broke out between Massachusetts and the British in 1775,...


WASHINGTON, George , first president of the U.S., commander in chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution. He symbolized qualities of discipline, aristocratic duty, military orthodoxy, and persistence in adversity that his contemporaries particularly valued as marks of mature political leadership. Washington was born on Feb. 22, 1732, in Westmoreland Co., Va., the eldest son of Augustine Washington , a Virginia planter, and Mary Ball Washington . Although Washington had little or no formal schooling, his early notebooks indicate that he read in geography, military history, agriculture, deportment, and composition and that he showed some aptitude in surveying and simple mathematics. In later life he developed a style of speech and writing that, although not always polished, was marked by clarity and force. Tall, strong, and fond of action, he was a superb horseman and enjoyed the robust sports and social occasions of the Virginia planter society. At the age of 16 he was invited to join a party to survey lands owned by the Fairfax family west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. His journey led him to take a lifelong interest in the development of western lands. In the summer of 1749 he was appointed official surveyor for Culpeper Co., and during the next two years he made many surveys for landowners on the Virginia frontier. In 1753 he was appointed adjutant of one of the districts into which Virginia was divided, with the rank of major. Early Military Experience. Washington played an important role in the struggles preceding the outbreak of the French and Indian War. He was chosen by Lt. Gov. Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia to deliver an ultimatum calling on French forces to cease their encroachment in the Ohio River valley. The young messenger was also instructed to observe the strength of French forces, the location of their forts, and the routes by which they might be reinforced from Canada. After successfully completing this mission, Washington, then a lieutenant colonel, was ordered to lead a militia force for the protection of workers who were building a fort at the Forks of the Ohio River. Having learned that the French had ousted the work party and renamed the site Fort Duquesne, he entrenched his forces at a camp named Fort Necessity and awaited reinforcements. A successful French assault obliged him to accept articles of surrender, and he departed with the remnants of his company. Washington resigned his commission in 1754, but in May 1755 he began service as a volunteer aide-de-camp to the British general Edward Braddock, who had been sent to Virginia with a force of British regulars. A few kilometers from Fort Duquesne, Braddock抯 men were ambushed by a band of French soldiers and Indians. Braddock was mortally wounded, and Washington, who behaved gallantly during the conflict, narrowly escaped death. In August 1755 he was appointed to command the Virginia regiment, charged with the defense of the long western frontier of the colony. War between France and Britain was officially declared in May 1756, and while the principal struggle moved to other areas, Washington succeeded in keeping the Virginia frontier relatively safe. The American Revolution. After the death of his elder half brother Lawrence , Washington inherited the plantation known as Mount Vernon. A spectacular rise in the price of tobacco during the 1730s and ?0s, combined with his marriage in 1759 to Martha Custis, a young widow with a large estate, made him one of the wealthiest men in Virginia. Elected to the House of Burgesses in 1758, he served conscientiously but without special distinction for 17 years. He also gained political and administrative experience as justice of the peace for Fairfax Co. Like other Virginia planters, Washington became alarmed by the repressive measures of the British crown and Parliament in the 1760s and early ?0s. In July 1774 he presided over a meeting in Alexandria that adopted the Fairfax Resolves, calling for the establishment and enforcement of a stringent boycott on British imports prior to similar action by the First Continental Congress. Together with his service in the House of Burgesses, his public response to unpopular British policies won Washington election as a Virginia delegate to the First Continental Congress in September and October 1774 and to the Second Continental Congress in 1775. The opening campaigns of the war. When fighting broke out between Massachusetts and the Briti...

用英语介绍美国 要有中文翻译

概况 美利坚合众国地处北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西滨 太平洋,北接加拿大,南靠墨西哥及墨西哥湾。

所属阿 拉斯加州位于北美洲西北部,夏威夷州位于中太平洋北 部。

总面积9 3 7 2 6 1 4 平方千米。

海岸线长2 2 6 8 0 千米。


1 5 世纪末西班牙、荷兰、 法国、英国等相继移民至此。

1 8 世纪前,英国在北美 大西洋沿岸建立了1 3 个殖民地。

1 7 7 5 年,爆发了 反对英国殖民统治的独立战争。

1 7 7 6 年7 月4 日殖 民地人民发表“独立宣言”,宣布成立美利坚合众国。

1 7 8 3 年独立战争结束,英国承认1 3 个殖民地独立 。

1 7 8 7 年通过美国宪法,成立联邦共和国。

1 8 0 3 年从法国购得路易斯安那(位于美国中部的广大地区 ),1 8 1 9 年从西班牙购得佛罗里达,1 8 4 5 年侵 占墨西哥的得克萨斯。

1 8 4 8 年对墨西哥战争结束后 ,得到了新墨西哥、亚利桑那、加利福尼亚等地。

1 8 5 3 年又从墨西哥夺取了位于今亚利桑那州南部和新墨 西哥州西南部的一块土地。

1 8 6 7 年向沙俄购买了阿 拉斯加和阿留申群岛。

1 8 9 8 年吞并了夏威夷。

这些 地方后来先后申请加入了联邦,形成现在拥有5 0 个州 的美国。

1 9 7 9 年1 月1 日同我国建交。

居民 2 6 1 7 0 万,大部分是欧洲移民的后代,还有黑 人(约占全国人口1 2 %)、印第安人、墨西哥族人、 波多黎各人、中国血统美国籍人和华侨等。

美国黑人是 3 0 0 多年前被欧洲殖民主义者从非洲贩运到美洲大陆 来的非洲黑人奴隶的后裔,半个世纪前8 0 %集中在南 部的1 2 个州,目前大部分黑人居住在纽约、芝加哥、 洛杉矾、费城、底特律、华盛顿等城市中。

印第安人是 美洲最早的居民,有一半人被迫住在“印第安人保留地 ”。

墨西哥族人主要聚居在西部和西南部的加利福尼亚 、亚利桑那、新墨西哥、科罗拉多和得克萨斯等州。

波 多黎各人主要集中在纽约、芝加哥等城市。

美国的宗教 信仰者占总人口的8 5 %,主要信奉基督教新教、天主 教等,通用英语。

自然环境 本土地势东西高,中央低,主要山脉为南北走向。

东部是阿巴拉契亚山脉构成的古老山地及大西洋沿岸平 原;西部是科迪勒拉山系构成的广大高原和山地,包括 东侧落基山脉、西侧内华达山脉和海岸山岭,以及两山 之间的内陆高原和大盆地。

全国最高峰为阿拉斯加的麦 金利峰,海拔6 1 9 3 米。

高原西南部的死谷低于海平 面8 5 米,是美洲大陆最低点;中部大平原,地势低平 ,土壤肥沃,是美国最重要的农业地区,平原西部是著 名的大草原。

密西西比河以密苏里河为源全长6 2 6 2 千米,是世界第四长河,向南流经整个平原注入墨西哥 湾。

东北部的五大湖,是世界最大的淡水湖群,苏必利 尔湖面积8 2 4 0 0 平方千米,是世界最大的淡水湖。

伊利湖和安大略湖之间,有著名的尼亚加拉瀑布,位于 中部的大盐湖是北美洲面积最大、盐分最高的咸水湖。

东北部沿海和五大湖区属大陆性温带阔叶林气候,因受 拉布拉多寒流和南下冷空气影响,冬季较冷,夏季较温 和,多雨雪,年平均降水量1 0 0 0 毫米左右;东南部 和墨西哥湾沿岸属亚热带森林气候,受墨西哥湾暖流影 响,温暖湿润,年平均降水量2 0 0 0 毫米以上;中部 平原,寒暖气流均可长驱直入,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多 雪;西部内陆高原冬季干燥寒冷,夏季干燥炎热,年平 均降水量5 0 0 毫米以下;西部太平洋沿岸的南段属亚 热带地中海式气候,北段属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。

自然资源 自然资源丰富。

煤、石油、天然气、铁矿石、钾盐 、磷酸盐、硫磺等矿物储量均居世界前列,其它矿物有 铝、铜、铅、锌、钨、钼、铀、铋等。

煤总储量3 6 0 0 0 亿吨,原油储量2 7 0 亿桶,天然气储量5 6 0 0 0 亿立方米。

阿巴拉契亚山脉蕴藏有丰富的煤、铁和有 色金属,石油和天然气主要分布在中部大平原。

森林面 积2 0 5 万平方千米。

草地与山地牧场占全国总面积的 2 8 %,水力蕴藏量约1 3 0 0 0 万千瓦。

运转中的核 反应堆有1 1 0 多座。

经济概况 世界经济大国。

经济高度发达,工农业生产门类齐 全,集约化程度高,国民生产总值位居世界首位。

1 9 9 3 年国民生产总值6 4 0 0 多亿美元,工业有动力( 包括石油、天然气、采煤、电力)、钢铁、有色冶金、 机械制造(包括航空火箭、汽车、造船、电力机械)、 原子、化学、纺织、军火等部门。

1 9 9 2 年主要工业 品产量:原油2 6 亿桶,煤1 0 亿吨,总发电量2 7 8 0 0 多亿度,钢9 3 0 0 多万吨,汽车1 0 0 0 多万辆 ,小汽车比重量大。

年产硫酸近4 0 0 0 万吨,水泥6 0 0 0 万吨,纸和纸板产6 0 0 0 万吨。

美国的工业分 布大致可分为三个区:一、东北部工业区,位于密西西 比河以东,俄亥俄河和波托马克河以北。

该区在国民经 济中占主导地位。

以加工业为主,有冶金、机械制造、 化学、纺织等工业部门。

二、南部工业区,以采矿业为 主,加工工业各部门有所发展,其中石油、化学、造船 、军事工业在全国经济中占主要地位。

三、西部工业区 ,工业部门比较单一,航空火箭、电子工业、原子工业 等发展很快。




你节选一端或者一部分就可以了Washington D. C.Washington, District of Columbia became the Capital of the United States in 1800.Government is Washington's main business. Here Congress meets to make laws. Here the highest court in the country convenes——the Supreme Court. One of every three people in Washington works for the US government. There's plenty of work to be done, too! Here in Washington are the busy "main offices" of many government departments like the Post Office and the Treasury.The library of Congress is one of the world's largest libraries. In the National Archives building, important documents are kept. You can have the thrill of seeing the original Declaration of Independence!Washington is one of the loveliest capitals in the world. It's a city of wide avenues , green parks, white marble buildings and impressive monuments like the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials.Do you want to come and pay a visit?[点评]华盛顿是世界上最闻名的首都之一。














求一英语短文 介绍美国文化

South America broke off from the west of the supercontinent Gondwanaland around 135 million years ago , forming its own continent.[4] Starting around 15 Ma, the collision of the Caribbean Plate and the Pacific Plate resulted in the emergence of a series of volcanoes along the border that created a number of islands. The gaps in the archipelago of Central America filled in with material eroded off North America and South America, plus new land created by continued volcanism. By 3 Ma, the continents of North America and South America were linked by the Isthmus of Panama, thereby forming the single landmass of the Americas.[5]


American flag for a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10 for the Stars and Stripes , the upper-left corner flag for the blue stars surface area of the stars a few provisions in the respective departments, the United States is the state flag on the number of a few of the stars. Star 13 is outside the red and white stripes, 13 stripes on behalf of the original 13 colonies in North America. According to Washington, said: symbol of the United Kingdom with red stripes, white stripes and a symbol of freedom from it. More general argument that the red symbol of strength and courage, a symbol of purity and innocence of white, blue is a symbol of vigilance, perseverance and justice. In 1818 the U.S. Congress pass the bill, red and white flag on the fixed width for the 13, the number of five-pointed star should be in line with several states of America. Each additional state, the national flag on a star to increase, the general in the new states to join the second year after the implementation of July 4. So far has been the national flag to 50 stars, representing the 50 U.S. states. June 14 each year as "the development of the anniversary of the American flag." On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America. 美国国旗为长方形,长宽之比为19:10,为星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内的星数于有关部门规定,美国的州数就是国旗上的星数。








