

日期:2019年11月29日 分类:优美句子



My younger daughter is 3 years old and my elder daughter is 5 years old。我的小女儿3岁,大女儿5岁。

Tom is two years older than I.汤姆比我年长两岁。


His elder son got married last week. 他的长子是上星期结婚的。

I think his mother is older. 我认为他的母亲年龄比较大。

The older man in the photo is my grandfather。照片中年纪较大的男的是我祖父。  


My elder brother joined the army when he was only fifteen.我哥哥年仅15负就参了军。

This dog is older than any other dogs here.这条狗在这里是最老的一条。

由elder引申出来的elderly一个形容词,“较老的”,elderly是委婉用语,意为上了年纪的,the elderly泛指老人。

老年人一般用elderly man,而不用old man显得没有礼貌。

His mother's elder brother is an elderly man now.他母亲的哥哥现在已经是一个老年人了。

My elder brother

1.这个小孩很早上学 The kid starts school life very early.2.他们晚上不做作业 They don't do homework at night.3.怀特一家每天9点睡觉 The Whites go to sleep every day at 9 o'clock.4.但今天,他们却不行上学 But today, they go to school on foot.5.我父亲每天送我去上学 My dad takes me to school every day.6.晚上我哥哥总是看报纸,而我总是看电视 At night, my brother always reads newspaper while I always watch TV.7.她每天爱在家里She prefers/likes to stay at home every day.


acquaint [ə'kweint] vt. 1. 使了解,使知道;使熟悉;使精通;告知,通知,告诉(with,of): You must acquaint with your new duties.你必须熟悉你的新职责。

to acquaint the mayor with our plan使市长了解我们的计划2. [主美国英语]使认识,使相识,介绍(with): Are you acquainted with my elder sister?你跟我姐姐熟吗?He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。

It takes time to acquaint yourself with a new job.要使你自己熟悉一项新的工作是需要时间的。

en.bab.laLet us acquaint ourselves with the concept behind the origin of meditation.让我们先来熟悉一下冥想的起源和有关冥想的一些概念。

en.bab.laAdversity is the state in which a man most easily becomes acquaint with himself, is especially free from admirer then .逆境,是使人最容易亲近自己的状态,因为当其时不会受到爱慕者的拘束。




例如:My younger daughter is 3 years old and my elder daughter is 5 years old。


Tom is two years older than I.汤姆比我年长两岁。


例如: His elder son got married last week. 他的长子是上星期结婚的。

I think his mother is older. 我认为他的母亲年龄比较大。

The older man in the photo is my grandfather。



例如: My elder brother joined the army when he was only fifteen.我哥哥年仅15负就参了军。

This dog is older than any other dogs here.这条狗在这里是最老的一条。

扩展资料:由elder引申出来的elderly一个形容词,“较老的”,elderly是委婉用语,意为上了年纪的,the elderly泛指老人。

老年人一般用elderly man,而不用old man显得没有礼貌。

His mother's elder brother is an elderly man now.他母亲的哥哥现在已经是一个老年人了。




When the couple got married in the year 2001, the husband had just become the general manager of a famous multi-national corporation, and his wife had been his colleague for ten years.When I finally arrived at the No. 15 bus station at around 10:00 pm last night, my friend Lucy and her elder brother Mike had been waiting for me there for about one and a half hours.现在完成进行时 My heart was broken when I heard the words coming out of his mouth, although I had already known the answer.At last we almost lost the memory of our motherland, when we had left her for about twenty years.


[Elder and eldest] generally apply to persons, unlike[older and oldest], which also apply to things. [Elder] and[eldest] are used principally with reference to seniority: Elder和eldest通常指人,不同于older和oldest,后两者也可指物,Elder和eldest主要用来指资格:elder sister;大姐;elder statesman;资格老的议员,John the Elder. 老约翰
