

日期:2019年12月02日 分类:优美句子

请你写写动物园里的动物,你最喜欢什么,并用比较级进行描述 不要很长的,dog,it is our good friend.It also is our good partner.It helps us


给你摘了一些,你每个抄15个就好 被动态 例:1、主动:The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome. 被动:The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children. 孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。

2、主动:People regard him as brilliant. 被动:He is regarded as brilliant by people. 人们认为他很有才华。

以上两例都是一般时态用be done的例子,be有人称、时、数变,第三人称foreign friends是复数,时态一般过去时,所以"be done"就是were given,而People regard him as brilliant一句,被动后的"be done"就变成单数第三人称is regarded的形式了。

被动: This speech was delivered by comrade Wang. 这篇讲演是王的发言。

There was a serious train accident near the border. Two people were killed and twelve were injured. 边境发生严重列车事故,二人死亡,十二人受伤。

A person who is truly honest is called a straight arrow. 直言不讳的人才是真正诚实的人。

A note was passed up to the speaker. 有人给讲演者递上来一张纸条。

John was elected president of the class instead of Harry. 乔治被选为班长而代替了亨利。

The information is urgently needed. 急需这个资料。

完成时态have done,被动将been加中间。

(过去完成时had done也包括在内)。

例:1、主动:We have studied English for 3 years off and on at the spare-time school. 被动:English has been studied for 3 by us years off and on at the spare-time school. 我们已经在夜校里断断续续地学了三年英语了。

2、主动: They had produced 100 tractors by the end of last year. 被动: 100 tractors had been produced by the end of last year. 到去年年底我们已生产出一百台拖拉机。

3、主动:They have set up a power station in their home town. 被动:A power station has been set up in their home town. 他们的家乡建立了一座发电站。

4、主动:They have warned us to be careful of rats. 被动:We have been warned to be careful of rats. 他们已提醒我们要注意老鼠。

5、主动:People have piled plastic bags full of rubbish in streets. 被动: Plastic bags full of rubbish have been piled in streets. 人们把装满垃圾的塑料袋子堆放在街上。

6、主动:We have used nuclear energy to produce electricity. 被动:Nuclear energy has been used to produce electricity. 核能已用来发电。

7、主动:No one has ever beaten him at tennis. 被动:He has never been beaten at tennis. 就网球来说还没有人是他的对手。

(No one涉及到全否定和部分否定问题,见否定一讲) The subjects of these lectures have been announced by the lecture committee. 演讲委员会已宣布了这些讲演的题目。

过去完成时也是一样: 主动: Somebody had cleaned my shoes. 被动: My shoes had been cleaned by somebody. 有人早已把我的鞋子擦了。


被动句中的by引出的宾语,一般说来,如果是人称代词你、我、他等,均可省略,someone no one不由by来引出。


主动:The Chinese people will make more space explorations in the future. 被动:More space explorations will be made in the future by the Chinese people. 中国人民在将来将进行更多的空间探索。

同样 After a period of use, the batteries should be changed. 电池使用一段时间后,应该更换。

Usually, the electricity is on for 24 hours. But tomorrow it will be cut off in the day time. 通常是昼夜供电,明天白天将停电。

More peaceful uses will be found for nuclear explosives in the future. 在将来会发现更多的和平利用核爆炸的途径。

More hard work will be needed to make this wonder come true in a short time from now. 从现在起要使这些奇迹在短时间内成为现实还需要做更多的艰苦工作。

make...come true 使……成为事实; come true做宾补(见感使动词口诀)。

The machine will not be used again. 这机器不能再用了。

反义疑问句 一、There be 句型陈述句比较特殊, 其附加疑问句的结构为there be的倒装,而不带句子主语。

例如:There is something wrong with the computer, isn't there? 这台电脑有点毛病,是不是?There aren't any fish in the river, are there? 这条河里没有鱼, 是吗?二、当陈述部分的主语是everyone,everybody, someone, nobody, no one,none, anyone, somebody等合成不定代词时, 在非正式文体中,附加疑问句中的主语通常用he或they。

例如:Someone opened the door, didn't he/they? 有人开了门,是不是?Nobody went to the cinema, did they? 没人去看电影,是吗?三、当陈述部分的主语是everything, nothing, something, anything等合成词,附加疑问句中的主语用it。

例如:Nothing serious happened, did it? 什么事情也没有发生,对吗?Everything is ready, isn't it? 一切准备就绪了,不是吗?四、当陈述部分的谓语动词是am的肯定形式...

五句话的英语作文 题目:来自中国的明信片 (不需要太难的,简单的...

From the 8th to the 6th century BC, Hefei was the site of the small state of Shu, later a part of the Chu kingdom. Many archaeological finds dating from this period have been made. The name Hefei was first given to the county set up in the area under the Han dynasty in the 2nd century BC. During the 4th to the 6th century AD, this crucial border region between northern and southern states was much fought over; its name and administrative status were consequently often changed. During the Sui and Tang periods, it became the seat of Lu prefecture — a title it kept until the 15th century, when it became a superior prefecture named Luzhou.In 3rd century AD, the famous Three Kingdoms battle, Battle of Hefei, was fought at what is currently Leisure Ford (逍遥津) in Hefei. General Zhang Liao of the Kingdom of Wei commanding 800 picked cavalry defeated the 200,000-man army of the Kingdom of Wu. Several decades of warring in Hefei between Wu and Wei followed this battle.The present city dates from the Song dynasty , the earlier Hefei having been some distance farther north. During the 10th century, it was for a while the capital of the independent Wu kingdom and was an important center of the Southern Tang state .After 1127 it became a center of the defenses of the Southern Song dynasty against the Jin invaders, as well as a flourishing center of trade between the two states. When the Chinese Republic was founded in 1911, the superior prefecture was abolished, and the city took the name of Hefei.The city was known as Luzhou (庐州; pinyin Lúzhōu) during the Ming and Qing Dynasties . Hefei was the temporary capital for Anhui from 1853 to 1862. It was renamed as Hefei County in 1912. Following the Chinese victory in the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945, Hefei was made the capital of Anhui.Before World War II, Hefei remained essentially an administrative center and the regional market for the fertile plain to the south. It was a collecting center for grain, beans, cotton, and hemp, as well as a center for handicraft industries manufacturing cloth, leather, bamboo goods, and ironware.The construction in 1912 of the Tianjin–Puzhou railway, farther east, for a while made Hefei a provincial backwater, and much of its importance passed to Bengbu. In 1932–36, however, a Chinese company built a railway linking Hefei with Yuxikou to the southeast and with the Huai River at Huainan to the north. While this railway was built primarily to exploit the rich coalfield in northern Anhui, it also did much to revive the economy of the Hefei area by taking much of its produce to Wuhu and Nanjing.Although Hefei was a quiet market town of only about 30,000 in the mid-1930s, its population grew more than tenfold in the following 20 years. The city's administrative role was strengthened by the transfer of the provincial government from Anqing in 1949, but much of its new growth derived from its development as an industrial city. A cotton mill was opened in 1958, and a thermal generating plant, using coal from Huainan, was established in the early 1950s. It also became the seat of an industry producing industrial chemicals and chemical fertilizers. In the late 1950s an iron and steel complex was built. In addition to a machine-tool works and engineering and agricultural machinery factories, the city has developed an aluminum industry and a variety of light industries. There are several universities based in the city.


英语语法看上去很复杂,很多句型要记,但其实只要深入研究,就会发现其实也不过是围绕这五个基本句子来展开,分别是:S十V主谓结构 S十V十p主系表结构 S十V十O主谓宾结构 S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构 S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构 说明:S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语 五个基本句式详细解释如下: 1.S十V句式 在此句式中,V是不及物动词,又叫自动词(vi.)。

例如: He runs quickly. 他跑得快。

They listened carefully. 他们听得很仔细。

He suffered from cold and hunger. 他挨冻受饿。

China belongs to the third world country. 中国属于第三世界国家。

The gas has given out. 煤气用完了。

My ink has run out. 我的钢笔水用完了。

2.S十V十P句式 在此句式中,V是系动词(link v.),常见的系动词有:look,seem,appear,sound,feel,taste,smell,grow,get,fall ill/asleep,stand/sit still,become,turn等。

例如: He is older than he looks. 他比看上去要老。

He seen interested in the book. 他似乎对这本书感兴趣。

The story sounds interesting. 这个故事听起来有趣。

The desk feels hard. 书桌摸起来很硬。

The cake tastes nice. 饼尝起来很香。

The flowers smell sweet and nicc. 花闻起来香甜。

You have grown taller than before. 你长得比以前高了。

He has suddenly fallen ill. 他突然病倒了。

He stood quite still. 他静静地站看。

He becomes a teacher when he grew up. 他长大后当了教师。

He could never turn traitor to his country. 他永远不会背叛他的祖国。

注意:有些动词同时也是及物动词,可构成SVO句式,例如: He looked me up and down. 他上下打量我。

He reached his hand to feel the elephant. 他伸出手来摸象。

They are tasting the fish. 他们在品尝鱼。

They grow rice in their home town. 他们在家乡种水稻。

He's got a chair to sit on. 他有椅子坐。

Please turn the sentence into English. 请把这个句于泽成英语。

3.S十V十O句式 在此句式中,V是及物动词(vt.),因此有宾语。

例如: I saw a film yesterday. 我昨天看了一部电影。

Have you read the story? 你读过这个故事吗? They found their home easily. 他们很容易找到他们的家。

They built a house last year. 他们去年建了一所房子。

They've put up a factory in the village. 他们在村里建了一座工厂。

They have taken good care of the children. 这些孩子他们照看得很好。

You should look after your children well. 你应该好好照看你的孩子。

4.S十V十O1十O2句式 在此句式中,V是带有双宾语的及物动词。


例如: He gave me a book/a book to me. 他给我一本书。

He brought me a pen/a pen to me. 他带给我一枝钢笔。

He offered me his seat/his seat to me. 他把座位让给我。

注意下边动词改写后介词的变化: Mother bought me a book/a book for me. 妈妈给我买了一本书。

He got me a chair/a chair for me. 他给我弄了一把椅子。

Please do me a favor/a favor for me. 请帮我一下。

He asked me a question/a question of me. 他问我个问题。

注意,下边动词只有一种说法: They robbed the old man of his money. 他们抢了老人的钱。

He's warned me of the danger. 他警告我注意危险。

The doctor has cured him of his disease. 医生治好了他的病。

We must rid the house of th erats. 我们必须赶走屋里的老鼠。

They deprived him of his right to speak. 他们剥夺了他说话的权利。

5.S十V十O十C句式 在此句式中,V是有宾语补足语的及物动词。




They made the girl angry. 他们使这个女孩生气了。

They found her happy that day. 他们发现那天她很高兴。

I found him out. 我发现他出去了。

I saw him in. 我见他在家。

They saw a foot mark in the sand. 他们发现沙地上有脚印。

They named the boy Charlie. 他们给这个男孩起名为查理。

I saw him come in and go out. 我见他进来又出去。

They felt the car moving fast. 他们感到汽车行驶得很快。

I heard the glass broken just now. 我刚才听到玻璃碎了。

He found the doctor of study closed to him. 他发现研究所的大门对他关闭了。

Chinatown,a,neighborhood,is,in,famous,London 连词成句并译出中文

小学六年级英语试题 一、按要求改写单词: 1. she________(宾格) 2. country_________(复数) 3. close__________(现在分词) 4. three________(序数词) 5. China__________(形容词) 6. I _______ (名词性物主代词) 7. paper ______(复数) 8. swim ________(现在分词) 9.photo________(复数) 10.mouse_______(复数) 11.mango________(复数) 12.make________(现在分词) 二、选择题: ( ) (1). I get up _______ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for . Why are you looking at _______like that? A. I B. mine C. my D. me . I want _______ a map of China . A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying . Is it a picture ______ your school ? A. of B. to C. and D. with . Do you like _______ ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too . The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for . Who's the lady ______ blue ? A. in B. on C. at D. with . We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon . A. at…in B. at…on C. in…at D. on…on . A: It's a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, ____ is yellow . A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me . ______ any men in the room ? A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren't D. There isn't . The bed ______ the right is yours . A. on B. in C. at D. of . Look at _______ picture . A. one B. the one C. first D. the first . These books are my _______ . A. students B. students's C. students' D. students of . My parents often tell me ______ your family . A. about B. from C. for D. by . ______ any food in the fridge ? A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has 三、按要求改写句子,注意每条横线只填一个单词: 1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句) ______ the children ________ the ball ? 2. Are these your pens ? (不改变原句意思,改写句子) Are these ______ _________ ? 3. Please put the clothes here .(改为否定句) ________ put the clothes here, ________ . 4. They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问) What _______ _________ they get up ? 四、联词成句: 1. the, read, in, don't, sun, please _________________________________ 2. sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, have? _________________________________ 3. black, all, like, I, at, don't _________________________________ 4. can, do, I, for, what, you? _________________________________ 5. drink, like, something, you, to, would? __________________________________ 五、用所给的动词的适当形式填空: 1 . Look ! My sister _________ with the toy cars . 2 . I _______ up at 6:30 every morning . 3 . Do they like ________ ? 4 . Tom's mother _______ a nice jacket .

连词成句英语五年级you. can to come china

总共十二种时态: 1.一般现在时 2.一般过去时 3.一般将来时 4.现在进行时 5.过去进行时 6.将来进行时 7.现在完成时 8.过去完成时 9.将来完成时 10.现在完成进行时 11.过去完成进行时 12.将来完成进行时 其中英文最常用的时态有五个:一般现在时;现在进行时;一般过去时;一般将来时和现在完成时。

一、 一般现在时: 用动词原型表示,但单数第三人称后要加-s,在词尾加-s时要注意: 1. 一般情况:加-s 例:reads,writes,says 2. 以s,x,ch,sh收尾的词加-es 例:teaches,washes,guesses 3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es 例:try—tries,carry—carries。


句中动词要用原型动词be提前: do you know it? are you students? does she have a pen? 1.一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作: we always care for each other and help each other。

they cycle to work every day。

2.现在的特征或状态: he loves sports。

do you sing?a little。

i major in english。

3. 遍真理: light travels faster than sound。

two and four makes six。

the moon moves round the earth。


i feel a sharp pain in my chest。

the soup contains too much salt。

you see what i mean? the coat fits you very well。

how do you find the book? 有些表示动作的动词间或可用于这一时态,表示现刻的动作,由于动作持续时间机短,用于进行时不自然: i send you my best wishes。

i salute your courage。

now i extend my heartfelt thanks to you。

在口语中这个时态用来表示一个按规定、计划或安排发生的情况(这是都有一个表示未来时间的状语): when do the train leave? the plane take off at 11 am。

tomorrow is saturday。

is there a firm on tonight? 但这只限少数动词,如begin,come,go,leave,sail,start,arrive,return,dine,end,stop,depart,open,close,be等。

另外,在时间或条件从句中,将来动作或状态多用这一时态表示: tell her about that when she come。

turn off the light before you leave。

we'll start as soon as you are ready。

在口语中,这个时态间或可以用来表示一个已经发生的动作(这个动作发生的时间在说话人脑中处于很不重要的地位): they say xiao wu is back。

is that true? xiao yu tells me you're going abroad。

oh,i forget where he lives。

yes,you answer quite well。


二、 现在进行时 现在进行时用助动词be的人称形式加现在分词构成,它的肯定、否定、疑问形式如下: i am working。

i am not working。

am i working? 现在进行时主要表示现在或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。

where are they having the basket-ball match? they are putting up the scaffolding。

he's showing a foreign guest round the city。

在不少情况下,表示正在进行的动作的汉语句子,并没有“正在”这样的字,在译为英语时却必须用进行时态: how are you getting on with the work? the work is going fairly smoothly。

you are making rapid progress。

it is blowing hard。

who are you waiting for? whenever i see her,she is working in the garden。



但如果词义转变,能表示一个正在进行的动作,就能够用于进行时态,试比较下面的句子: do you see anyone over there?你看到那里有什么人吗? are you seeing someone off?你在给谁送行吗? i hear someone singing。


they are hearing an english talk?他们在听一个英语报告。

what do you think of it?你觉得这怎么样? what are you thinking about?你在想什么? 另外,表示无法持续动作的动词,一般不宜用于进行时态,但有些可以用于这个时态表示重复、即将等: he is jumping up and down。


the train is arriving。


the old man is dying。


现在进行时有时可用来表示一个在最近按计划或安安排要进行的动作(这是多有一个表示未来时间的状语): we are leaving on friday。

are you going anywhere tomorrow? a foreign guest is giving a lecture in english this afternoon。

xiao hong!coming。

who is interpreting for you? we are having a holiday next monday。


另外,“be going+不定式”这个结构经常用来表示即将发生的事或打算(准备)做的...








Eg. Born in a small town in South China in the early 50s, he grew up to be a famous musician.【分析】这个句子表达了两层思想:1. Born in a small town出生在一个小镇 2. grew up to be a musician.长大成为了音乐家。



【提升】He was born in a small town in South China in the early 50s. In his childhood he liked to sing. Later he entered a music conservatory. In the 70s, he grew up to be an accomplished musician.特点二:连贯性句子的连贯性:即能清晰地连接句子的各个部分,没有虚假的平行结构,没有指代不请的代词,没有不清晰的句内关系。

Eg. Upon entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!”【分析】这个句子从语法来讲是正确的,但是句内关系不清楚,到底谁进入了教室?【提升】When the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!”Eg. Elizabeth and I enjoy walking, to ski, travel and teaching university students.【分析】这个句子的连贯性较差,可以利用平行结构来体现连贯性。

【提升】Elizabeth and I enjoy walking, skiing, traveling and teaching university students.特点三:准确性句子的准确性指句子内部没有不准确的,不必要的词。

Eg. He returned in the early part of the month of August.【分析】这个句子感觉有故意写长之嫌,需要精简。

【提升】He returned in early August.特点四:重点突出好的句子应该重点突出,词的选择,词的重复都有助于句子的重点突出。

Eg. When the bank robbers entered the bank they yelled, “don't move!”【分析】这个句子比较平淡,可以修改一下动词。

【提升】When the bank robbers rushed into the bank they yelled, “don't move!”特点五:语法正确,句式多变句式多变指句子长短结合。



Eg. Daisy, who was the first-year student of college, would go to a par near her school every day in morning, she would bring a small recorder with her, in park she would find quiet corner and listen to a tape of English stories.【分析】这个句子不仅仅存在语法问题,另外还有完整性,准确性问题。

【提升】Daisy, a first-year college student, enjoys studying in the park near her school. Each morning she brings a small recorder, finds a quiet corner in the park, and listens to a tape of English stories.如果同学们在写句子的时候,注意以上五点,相信大家一定能够写出正确,完整,准确的英文句子。
