

日期:2019年12月30日 分类:优美句子

My living room is big and beautiful. There is a desk in my living room. It is near the window. On the desk, there are three cups and a book. There is a computer on it, too. In front of the desk, there is a chair. There is a big TV in my living room. On the TV, you can see a photo.



The living room is the first room you see when you open the front door. (打开大门看见的就是客厅)There's a shoe rack by the door in the living where you can put your shoes. (在客厅门旁边有一个鞋架,你可以把鞋摆在里面)A fish tank is right next to the couch against the wall.(靠墙边上有一个鱼缸就在沙发的旁边) And a 42 inches flat screen TV is on the opposite side of the couch.(还有一个42寸的平面电视在沙发的对面) A wood made coffee table is in the middle of the living room which you can put candy,snacks or fruit on top of it. (在客厅的中央有一个木制的茶几,你可以把糖果,零食或者是水果放在上面)On the ceiling, a beautiful set of crystal lights brightened the whole room. (天花板上有一组很漂亮的水晶灯照亮了整个房间) Also,a huge carpet with flowers on it covers the whole living room,it's really comfortable when you step on it.(同时,一个很大的花型图案的地毯铺满了整个客厅,踩在上面的时候很舒服) Another door in the living room is the way to the balcony,that's the part of the living room,too.(还有一扇门在客厅里是通向阳台的,那也是客厅的一部分).The balcony is a totally open space.(阳台是一个敞开的空间).You can see the stars at night in the summer nights.(在夏天的夜晚你可以欣赏星星)...


My living room is big and beautiful. There is a desk in my living room. It is near the window. On the desk, there are three cups and a book. There is a computer on it, too. In front of the desk, there is a chair. There is a big TV in my living room. On the TV, you can see a photo.


客厅[kè tīng][释义] parlour; saloon; presence chamber; drawing room; living room [parlor;drawing room]∶装饰布置用于接待客人的大厅。

[receiption room;]∶专用于接待客人的房间。


Now I was sitting in cecil's living room.2.读书人的风度差不多消逝了;客厅里的青年人的风度更加看不见了。

The manner of the scholar had nearly disappeared; still more the manner of the drawing-room young man.


My living room is small.There is a talbe in the midde of the room.There is a air conditioning in the living room.It is on the right.The air conditioning is white.There is a television.The television is white.It is on the cabinets.There are three sofas near the talbe.There a light on the ceiling.


The sitting room in our home is quite big. There are sofas in it and totally six people can be seated. There is also a TV on the wall. After dinner, our family sitting in the sofas and watch TV together. But sometime, I can't watch TV, because I need to to my homework first. There are some plants in the sitting room. It is very nice and I like it.我家的客厅挺大的,里面有沙发,可以坐6个人。






My BedroomLook, this is my bedroom. It's not very big. But it's beautiful and clean. In the middle of my bedroom, there is a bed. There is a teddy bear and some hair clips on it. Beside the bed, there is a desk. Its colour is brown. There are many things on the desk, some pens, a Walkman, a light and many stickers. Oh, there is a chair beside the desk, too. On the right of the desk, there is a bookcase. It's big and tall. There are lots of books in the bookcase. They are comic books, exercise books, story books and copy books.Can you see two pictures on the wall? This one is a map of China, the other is a poster of SHE. Near the pictures, there is a clock, it's my birthday present. It's blue and white. It's very beautiful.After class, I often do my homework and listen to music in the bedroom. There isn't a TV in my bedroom. But I have many good friends. They are books.I like books very much and I like my bedroom


When you come into our living room, you will see a shoe shelf. There is a sofa opposite it. Beside the sofa, there is a tea table.There are some cups, a teaport, and a vase with lots of beautiful flowers on the table. On the right corner, there is a green plant. There is a talbe beside the tea table and the plant. Of course there is TV on the table. Our living room is always clean and tidy so I like it very much.中文翻译:当你走进我的起居室里,你会看到一个鞋架。







