

日期:2020年01月13日 分类:优美句子

The rapid development of industrial production, progress in the promotion of social productive forces, but also inevitably bring about the pollution of the atmospheric environment. On the other hand, the masses on environmental quality requirements are increasing. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the European Union have issued new air quality standards, China has introduced more stringent environmental standards, which the performance of dust removal equipment, a higher demand. Bag filter dust is recognized as efficient, adaptable to the new dust removal equipment. However, domestic bag dust is not very thorough, some of the more advanced technology mainly relies on imports.

This thesis is based filtering mechanism, the working principle of the bag filter were discussed. In summing up the various types of bag filter design method based on the summed up more scientific, universal design process. Paper collection, collation of large amounts of data for the main components of the selection filter to provide some reference.

Keywords: bag filter, the choice of design parameters, design method.


下午三点有个比赛There is a match at 3 pm.注:match 英 [mætʃ] 美 [mætʃ] n. 比赛; 火柴; 对手; 相配的人(或物); vt. 相同; 适应; 使较量; 使等同于; vt. 使相配,使相称; [例句]He was watching a football match.他正在观看一场足球比赛。



(be lost in). 2.节约用电应该被纳入我们的日常生活中,可是很少有人注意这一点。

(in one's daily life ) 3.当他醒来时发现自己在一所医院里。

(find oneself ……) 4.夜深了,街上空无一人。

(in singt) 5.她多么期盼能有出国学习的机会啊!(wish for) 6.我能感觉到一阵阵微风从窗户那边吹到我的脸上。

(feel+宾语+V-ing形式) 7.我发现我很难向一个三岁的孩子讲明白我的意思。

(get across) 8.请留意一个穿蓝色外套的老大娘,她的儿子正在找她。

(watch out for) 9.问题在于他已经放弃了他的工作。

(表语从句) 10.我听到了我们班代表赢得了竞赛第一的消息。

(同位语从句)Almost no one believes that experienced explorers will be disoriented in the forest.2. A reduction in electricity consumption should be incorporated into our daily lives, but few people pay attention to this point.3. When he woke up found himself in a hospital.4. Late at night, and the streets empty. 5. She has to go abroad, however look forward to the opportunity to study ah! 6. I can feel the waves of the breeze blowing through the window side of my face. 7. I found that it is difficult for me to talk about a three-year-old kids know what I mean. 8. Please note a grandma wearing blue coat, her son is looking for her. 9. The problem is that he has given up his work. 10. I have heard that we won the race the first班代表news.



Everybody is good , topic of conversation needed to talk about by me is `a Believe myself' today. Before not knowing do not having that everybody writes down, in competition, we had accepted training in this. Watched at that time is a little "the whole nation English give a lecture the competition " video record. Be stupefied after we having been looked at, their lecturing is so-called well. That time we the competition moment affirms the regards not having pupils among them giving a lecture with regard to thinking that we give a lecture in the future. But we ought to lose confidence therefore? Do not ought to. We do not maybe have the regards that they say , even bad very distant. But we ought to `Believe myself就是这样了.呵呵谢谢我吧~


1,她说她花了十元钱买这本书. She said the book cost her ten yuan. She said it cost her ten yuanto buy the book She said the book took her ten yuanShe said she pent ten yuan on the book(不限制词数) 2,这两个答案都正确. Either of the answers is right. Either answer is right. Both answers are right. Both of the answers are right. 3,在街道两旁都有树. There are trees on either side of the street. There are trees on two sides of the street. There are trees on both sides of the street. 4,他未能通过竞赛. He didn't pass the competition. He failed in the competition. He didn't get through the competition. He failed the competition.
