

日期:2020年01月14日 分类:优美句子

I am going to pick apples next weekend.

用pick 和pig造句,最好是长一点的句子

The Serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit. 那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果To solve the food problem, some boys went hunting in the forest,and the girls went out to pick wild vegetables. 为解决食物问题,一些男孩子去森林打猎,而女孩子则去采摘野菜。

The pig to be hogtied was on the counter. 被捆好四肢的猪就放在案子上。

He made a pig of himself and porked out on ham sandwiches all afternoon. 他像猪一样能吃,整个一下午都在把火腿三明治往肚子里塞

用pick out造被动语态的句子

用if造句1. If weather permit, we will go to the park tomorrow. 如果天气好的话,明天我们去公园。

2. Listen to the tune see if you can remember the words. 请听这曲子--看你能不能想得起歌词来。

3. If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years. 假使他赢了--是否能赢还是一大疑问--他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人。

4. Even if you saw him pick up the money, you can't be sure he stole it. 就算你看见是他拾起的钱,你也不能肯定钱就是他偷的。

5. I wonder if I should wear a hat. 我不知道该不该戴帽子。

6. I'm not sure whether to resign or stay on. 我拿不准主意是辞职还是留任。

7. Do you know if he's married? 他结婚没结婚,你知道吗? 8. She glares at me if I go near her desk. 我一走近她的办公桌,她就瞪我。


Put your hand in the box.把你的手放到盒子里 Pick a slip of paper.抽出一条纸 Read the word on the paper. 读纸上的字Make a sentence. 造一个句子e.g. 例如Would you like a glass of water?你想来杯水吗? Get 10 points for each correct centence.每个正确的句子得分10点


1.They carry the boxes into the room.他们将箱子搬进室内。

2.The sick child shouted with pain.那病童痛得叫了起来。

3.I didn't find my english book .我没有找到我的英语课本。

4.He fell down and broke his arm .他跌断了手臂。

5.Their team has won the game.他们队赢了这场比赛。

6.She sent me a Christmas card.她给我寄来一张圣诞贺卡。

7.We will leave for London next week.我们下周动身去伦敦。

8.He put his textbooks on the table by the window.他把课本放在窗边的桌上。

9.Tom lost his job last month.汤姆上个月失业了。

10.The boy picked up the hat for the old man.男孩替老人拾起了帽子。


1 He is an Asian man. 他是一个亚洲男人。

2 His words make me very comfortable.他的话让我觉得很不舒服。

3 Don't be impolite to old people.不要对老人不礼貌。

4 My mother allows me to play football after school.妈妈允许我放学后踢足球。

5 This library is for public.这个图书馆是对公众开放的。

6 He coughes for a whole night.他咳嗽了一整个晚上。

7 This little thing breaks our friendship.这件小事破坏了我们的友谊。

8 Don't smoke in public.不要在公共场合吸烟。

9 Be careful with this question. 对这个问题仔细一点。

10 My dad pickes me up after school everyday.爸爸每天放学都来接我。



Unit1 long long ago很久以前 magic有魔力的,神奇的 clever聪明的 foolish愚蠢的 through穿过 laugh笑,大笑 wear穿 tell讲,叙述 each每个 say说 sentence句子 quick迅速的,快的 next下一个 little小的,年幼的 turn机会 think想,思考 hard努力地,费力地 child孩子 turn into变成 Unit2 sunny晴朗 show展览,展示 interesting有趣的,有意思的 weather天气 become变成,变为 windy有风的 cloudy多云的 high在高处 sky天空 bring带来 honey蜂蜜 drink饮料 ant蚂蚁 bee蜜蜂 cloud云 rain下雨 rainy多雨的 meet遇见 lose丢失 know知道 What happened?出什么事了? climb up爬上 hold onto抓紧 fly away飞走 Unit3 holiday假日,假期 national day国庆节 call打电话 Bund(上海)外滩 Shanghai museum上海博物馆 star星星 Great wall长城 Palace museum故宫 Summer palace颐和园 Tian'anmens quare天安门广场 fashion show时装表演,时装秀 excited激动的,兴奋的 paper纸 ask问 bottle瓶子 go well进展顺利 at first开始,最初 heavy rain大雨 Unit4 then and now过去和现在 ago ……以前 use使用,利用 telephone电话 office办公室 mobile phone移动电话,手机 anywhere随处,到处 radio收音机 newspaper报纸 news新闻 watch观看 e-book电子书 make friends交朋友 all over the world全世界 do shopping购物 TV电视 look out of朝…外看 go on继续 still仍然 what day is today? spell拼读,拼写 今天是星期几? make a sentence造句 with用 yesterday昨天 Unit5 sign标识 shopping centre购物中心 careful小心,当心 what does it mean? mean意思是 它是什么意思? floor地面 litter乱扔垃圾 go in进入,走进 take…into带入 restaurant饭店,餐厅 someone某人 smoke吸烟,抽烟 smell闻到 No eating or drinking请勿饮食 no littering请勿乱扔垃圾 No parking请勿停车 no smoking请勿吸烟 Danger危险 wet floor小心地滑 outing外出游玩,远足 walk on继续走路 around在…周围 Unit6 keep保持,维持 clean干净,整洁 make使…变得 air空气 dirty肮脏的 smoke烟雾 rubbish垃圾 messy肮脏的,乱七八糟的 dead死的 move…away from从…搬走 bin垃圾桶 plant种植,栽种 more更多的 museum博物馆 throw扔 skin果皮 ground地面,地上 pick…up捡起,拾起 slip滑倒 fall摔倒
