

日期:2020年02月24日 分类:优美句子

非谓语动词详析 非谓语动词在句子中不作谓语,它包含动词不定式,动名词,分词。 动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式,由“to+动词原形”构成,在句子中起名词,形容词或副词的作用。在句子中可以充当各种成分,有多种用法。 Ⅰ、不定式完成式的用法:如果不定式所表示的动作在谓语动作发生之前,不定式要用完成式(to have done)。 For example :I’m sorry not to have come on Wednesday .。 不定式的完成式只用于下列情况: a、 在seem(似乎),appear(显得),be supposed(被认为),be said等动词后,表示在更早时间发生的事。 For example: He seems to have been ill. b、 be wish,hope(希望),desire(欲望),intend,suppose,think等动词的“过去式+不定式的完成式”。表示没有实现的时间。For example: I wished to have helped you , but I had no money. He meant to have come to see you last night. Ⅱ、不定式的被动式及用法。当不定式的逻辑主语为不定式所表示动作的承受者时,就用不定式的被动式. For example: I want the letter to be typed at once.(我要求这信马上打出来) It’s an honor for me to be invited to your house. Ⅲ、 主动的不定式与被动的不定式的区别及用法 1、通常,在不定式前能找到不定式所表达的动作的执行者时,此不定式用主动形式,每当不定式前不能找到所表达的动作的执行着时,此不定式用被动形式。 I have work to do (不能说I have work to be done)我有工作要干(执行者:I) He is reading the report to be published tomorrow 他正在阅读那份明天要发表的报告。(publish前无执行者) 2、在“there be”结构中,既可用主动式也可用被动式。 Example: There is no time to lose 再也不能耽搁时间了。 虽然在该结构中,作定语的不定式可以用主动形式,也可以用被动形式,但这两种形式还是有差别的。 1、There are a number of problems to solve. 2、There are a number of problems to be solved. 例句1中用的是动词不定式的主动形式,不定式的逻辑主语可以从上下问中看出来。假设逻辑主语是we,那么例如1可以改写成:There are a number of problems that we must solve.例如2中的动词不定试是被动形式,可以改写成:There are a number of problems that must be solved.例句2中的不定式的逻辑主语从上下问看不出来。 Ⅳ、 不定式短语和动名词作主语的用法及区别 不定式短语和动名词短语作主语时,可以用it做形式主语,使用“it+位于+作主语的不定式(动名词)短语”句型,主要区别是;不定式一般表示具体的行为动作,动名词往往抽表示抽象概念,表达某个一般的动作,或表示说话者的亲身经历。 For example: Being polite is needed anytime and anywhere.任何时候在任何地点都需要有礼貌。 Ⅴ、 作插入语的独立不定式的用法 独立不定式和动词不定式不动,与句中其他部分没有语法关系,只作插入语用,对全句进行解释,表示说话人的态度或起承上启下的作用,独立不定式无论位于何处,它必须用逗号与句子隔开,常用的独立不定式有: To begin with首先,to tell the truth老实说 To be brief简而言之,to return to the subject言归正传 To make matters worse更糟的是,to make a long story short简言之 等。 Ⅵ、 不带to 的不定式的用法,动词不定试有带to和不带to两中形式,以下几种情况不能带to. 1、在情态动词will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might和must之后,在would rather和had better之后,以及在作为主次的need, dare之后,不定式不带to. For example: I’d rather go alone.但愿自己去。 2、当不定式作see, hear, overhear, listen to, feel, observe, look at 等感官动词的宾语补足语时不带to For example: I’ve never observed her do otherwise.(我从未看见她不是这样做的). 3、当不定式作make, let, leave, have, bid等使役动词以及find, help, know等动词的宾语补足语 4、在某些习语和固定搭配中不定式不带to,常见的有: make believe假装, make do凑合,hear tell听说 5、介词but, except, besides, save等之前有动词do或do的其他形式以及can butcan not but(只得,只能),cannot help but can not choose but等短语时,其它的不定式不带to. For example: I could not choose but speak the truth. 我不能不说真话。 动名词,动名词也是动词的一种非限定形式,由动词原形加“-ing”构成,与现在分词同形。动名词前有动词和名词的特征和作用。 Ⅰ、动名词的逻辑主语是代词时,用形容词性的物主代词表示有生命的名词时,用名词的“’s” 所有格;表示无生命的名词时,用名词的普通格,不用所有格。 For example: Mary’s grumbling annoyed him I am afraid of the tent falling down during the night(名词的普通格) 我不怕那个帐篷晚上倒下来。 Ⅱ、 介词后使用动名词的情况 A、介词后面的动词要用动名词形式,“介词+动名词”可以作状语,表示时间、原因、方式等,表示目的常用不定式或“for the purpose of doing something”结构。 For example I came here for the purpose of seeing you.(我来这儿是为了看你) B、“介词to+动名词”和“不定式to+动词原形”的区别 若to是介词,其后只能接动名词。 For example: I’ve been looking forward to seeing you soon.(我期望早日见到你)。 Ⅲ、动名词用于“It is no use doing…”等句型 动名词作主语时,也可以用it做先行主语。动名词(短语)常在以 no use, no good, senseless, dangerous, difficult, a waste, a nuisance, useless, hard work, sad thing, a waste of time, worthwhile等词语作表语的句中。 For example: It is a mere waste of time answering these letters. Ⅳ、动词后跟动名词和跟不定式的比较。 在advise, allow, attempt, can’t bear, begin, continue, forbid, forget, go on, hate,hear,intend,like,love,permit,prefer,propose,regret,remember,see,start,stop,try,watch等动词后面,既可以跟不定式,也可跟动名词,但意思有区别。 分词。分词是动词的三中非限定形式之一,分为两种:现在分词和过去分词。 Ⅰ、现在分词和过去分词作定语的区别:分词作定语时,应注意它与被修饰的动词之间的关系。如果是被修饰名词发出的动作,须用现在分词,如果被修饰的名词是动作的接受者,则用过去分词。因此现在分词带有主动和未完成的意义,过去分词带有被动和完成的意义。 The crying child woke her mother.(啼哭的孩子唤醒了她妈妈。)child是动作cry的发出者。 The sorted letters were delivered to the houses.(分了类的信件被送往各家各户)letters是动作sorted的接受者。 Ⅱ、分词独立结构,分词短语用作状语的时候,它的逻辑主语一般必须与句子的主语一直。但是它有时也可以有自己逻辑上的主语,形成“名词(代词)+分词(或分词短语)”结构。这种带有逻辑主语分词或分词短语成为分词独立结构。这种结构有的接近同位语,对前面的一个名词加以解释。 For example: There are two good books, each having it’s own characteristics.有两本好书,每本都有各自的特点。 Ⅲ、分词和不定式作定语的区别 A、 现在分词作定语表示正在进行的动作及现在(或当时)的状态。例如:The girl playing the piano is Mary.正在弹钢琴的女孩叫Mary. B、过去分词作定语表示的动作在谓语动作之前发生或是没有一定的时间性,有被动之意。 For example: The piano used at the concert is made in France.音乐会上用的钢琴是法国产的。 C、不定式作定语表示一个未来的动作。 For example: The girl to play the piano at the concert is Mary.将要在音乐会上弹钢琴的女孩叫Mary。


1.现在分词:They went to the park,singing and talkingHaving done his homework,he played basket-ballhaving made a big mistake,he turned to his father for help2.过去分词:Those selected as committee members will attend the meetingthose students punished by MR.WANG must have failed in their mid-terms exam.the model chosen to be the first walker in the show must be perfect and full of personal features.3.不定式:to work in that company must be very comfortableHe wants to be an artisthis father ordered him to finish his homework before supper.


The glass broken by my brother belongs to me.不定式作定语.非谓语动词作定语现在分词作定语.过去分词作定语.不定式作目的状语:I pat it to show my love.现在分词作伴随状语:The boycrying is my friend:He came in, smiling:The decision that the sports meeting to be held tomorrow has been cancled非谓语做状语过去分词作原因状语:Driven by curiosity, I went in the room.过去分词作条件状语:Unlessinvited to speak, you'd better keep silent.现在分词作时间状语:Whendoing homework,don't sing songs


非谓语做状语过去分词作原因状语:Driven by curiosity,I went in the room.过去分词作条件状语:Unlessinvited to speak,you'd better keep silent.现在分词作时间状语:Whendoing homework,don't sing songs.现在分词作伴随状语:He came in,smiling.不定式作目的状语:I pat it to show my love.非谓语动词作定语现在分词作定语:The boycrying is my friend.过去分词作定语:The glass broken by my brother belongs to me.不定式作定语:The decision that the sports meeting to be held tomorrow has been cancled.
