

日期:2021年06月02日 分类:优美句子




A person to want to find someone to accompany, a person lost their own, I donot know there is no need to be in the chase.


If, not happy, if, not happy, then let go; if, do not let go, then thepain.


Margin is the beginning of love, love is the process of love, let us togetherin the edge and love of the ocean to find the results of love it!


The first cry is because you are not, the first smile because of you, thefirst smile tears because you can not have!


Always want to find an excuse to meet your time, catch your eyes, even if itis also reviewing, long aftertaste.


Some of the time, is to love quietly away, the figure is away, hide not openis a silent feelings.


The snow outside the window, a cup of coffee, hold it cool, just know andthink of you, I look forward to how you can understand!


Some of the encounters between people is like a meteor, sudden spark of envy,but is being in love with you.


The life of you, sunny; life with you, the warm seasons; the life of you,take the bull by the horns; life is you expect forever.


Unlucky, empty have a talent in the world, Yihong Casely, into worlds ofAcacia, when to meet again, peach blossom still, people have been beyondrecognition.


Our life has too many helpless, we can not change, but also unable to change,even worse, we lost the idea of change.


If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity, rash, may make youregret for a while, cowardice, but may make you regret for a lifetime.


I want to put your heart for ten thousand years, but I miss the same. I wantto put my heart in your heart, The end of life really never change.


Love should be willing to dull, but not dull; the ordinary, butextraordinary. No longer to think before, no longer clinging to read once.


You when I was a kite, or to let me free, or receive a good home, don't use alook see emotions and thoughts tied with me, let me heartache.


Simple quiet life is not happy, so I only embrace the moment, long lastingfeeling is not happy, so I only believe in a moment.


I can feel your pain, you have the helpless you can not say... But you make ano matter what you do, the more you do, the more I feel uncomfortable.


In the long journey of life, we almost brushed past, you gently pulled myhand, I really hope that this pair of warm hands will always hold me!


Do not be friends after breaking up, because they hurt each other, can not dothe enemy, because love each other deeply, so we become the most familiarstranger.


You glance, like a crystal fountain lingers in my mind, more profound thanpoetry, gesture is beautiful, is my life a new century of the morning.


Fall in love with you, without demur to hold you, every few days to look foryou, four no kiss you, five days marry to you, not separate for sixty years!


Some lost is doomed, some fate is never a result, love a not necessarilyhave, have a person must be good to love him.


If the love is a kind of happiness, then, the loss of love may also beanother kind of happiness; get is a kind of happiness; loss may also be anotherkind of happiness.


Nothing in the world can be eternal. If it flows, it will go; if it is kept,it will dry up; if it grows, it will slowly fade away.


I firmly believe that a person miss another person, should be a quiet mind...Love, this power, often can instantly reach the shore of grey-haired.


Because there is a star, the night will not be dark; because there is a sky,the sea is blue; because there is a dream, life is full of hope; because you, myworld a brilliant!


I cry not because I am sad, because I cried. I have no way to live like anormal person, if you leave me, I don't know my life will change.


Sometimes the girl's psychology is very delicate. You beside her infatuationfor several years, she does not love you, but once you love the others, shecould not bear.


A woman won the higher, the more she feel valuable, easy hanging high tosell. Instead, put a place, she will turn back to you, in fact, her heart.


A passionate, twice the sleepless night, three Chafanbusi, four times theXinyu aspiration, countless love merged into a phrase only words: dear, I thinkof you.


From our acquaintance, to my heart dark Xu to you, every day is the mostbeautiful poem. Would like to accompany you to watch the sunrise and sunset, andwould like to accompany you to spend a lifetime.


From the beautiful encounter to the stupid love, from romantic love at thefirst sight to Shengsixiangxu agreed, the fleeting days, let a pair of men andwomen seemed to experience a few years of love metamorphosis.


I pluck the moonlight, melt in the sweet of love; I take the star of thestars, inlaid in the happiness of love; I read it again, let the promise in yourlife, love you!


Let the parting cup, pour a full cup of love of wine, the day of reunion, Iwill personally delivered to your hands, let Acacia tears moisten dry hearts,let love forever exudes intoxicating aroma.


I love you, don't hide, I hope you know. Unconsciously, always think of you;countless times, hope to accompany you; the ends of the earth, as long as withyou in together, that is the happiness of heaven.


The one I love, is you. I love your heart, I wish you know. I love you love,that is deeper than the sea. I love you for a lifetime, effective. Just want tolet you know, I love you to the old!


Give you gentle, don't let you worry about happiness; give you my money,don't let you run for life; waiting for you, don't let you worry aboutloneliness; give you my hands, please go with me in life!


Think you look forward to you, read you love you, care about you thinking ofyou, missing you bless you, the pursuit of you to find you, spoil you protectyou, the world is only one you, I only love you!


Waiting for a sunrise, take a day; wait a full moon, a month; wait for aflower and need to a year; waiting for a love you for life, need a lifetime. Iwill always love you.


I am a small boat, the boat is full of love for you. I swam through thestorm, the rapids, to draw you to fling caution to the winds. You will always bemy side, you will always be my shelter.



The feeling of being held by you is very happy, so I want to be happy all thetime, never leave your body.


In this life, I need not much, a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope thatthe rice is you made, the tea is you.


If there are ten thousand people in the world who love you, there must be me.If only one person in the world loves you, it must be me.


Courage to face a feeling can not be solved, perhaps, letting each other isthe only way out.


The greatest happiness in my life is to be able to fall asleep gently everynight and wake you every morning.


Love you, for your heart all over every corner of a house inside, thenstopped the wind and rain, pitch camp, everything is gone.


I love the boy with a strong shoulder, only to allow me to rely on.


If you can, the next way together, your happiness, I pay the bill.


Love is not all, life is all, you are all.


Marry me is the best choice of your life, I will give you a happy family,give you a warm embrace, give you a romantic life!


Women love more and deeper, not women can not extricate themselves, but mendo not know that women are born to rely on.


If love hasn't gone into a dead end, remember that comfort is important, moreunderstanding, more greetings and more care.


Dear, really do not want to leave you, in fact, I often think of you, you area person to hate and hate, love and love life.


Love is a sweet dream, and marriage is an alarm clock.


Love, this is not a heart to beat another heart, but the two hearts of thejoint impact of the spark.


The lover's total score is combined, but the more we love it, the deeper welove.


It is just a false impression that love does not fit in, and at the end ofthe day, it depends on who can let it be.


Some people quarrel with you every day, but never blame you. Some people haveno quarrel, but they have disappeared in the sea of people.


After breaking up, forgive is not can not do, just some time said that theother side will not understand, even if the understanding is not necessary.


Fell yesterday's stars, the meteorite went to yesterday's love. But, in anycase, it is our long feeling that we can't go to the air.


As long as you want to, when you lose your mind, when you need a shoulder,tell me that I will appear immediately.


The love of loyal love is in my heart, I can't estimate the wealth Ienjoy.


Because I like you, by your light, see the world unforeseen.


You said, if you didn't meet at that time, fall in love, and finally ended,you would not admit that we had grown up.


Some people do not cherish the longitudinal mentally as early is thousands ofgood, don't too.


The right shoes, only the feet know, the right person, only the heart knows,walk thousands of roads, only one suitable, meet all kinds of people, one personis enough.


Harm makes one grow up, time makes a person strong, and the end of love makestwo people learn to see through overnight.


The price of knowing is that you can't understand it once. If you meetsomeone who loves you more, please treat him well.


Everyone will have the past, it is not the memory of the past, but the memoryof how to learn how to face new people, new things.


Your world is very big, and my world, only you.


Love is like a zipper, only through the common experience of the story, canthere be unforgettable.


I love you, but I dare not say, I am afraid I will die after I say, I am notafraid of death, I am afraid I die, and no one loves you like me.


Life is not a game, so we do not have the right to give it up only by our ownwill.


True love must be pregnant with sufferings, and only in suffering can thegreat joy be excavated. You are my only one。


Never fade away is mutual care, endless deep love, but also because of thefusion of this moment more warm and better.


There are lots and lots of words to say to you. There are lots and lots ofhelplessness to ask you to help solve it, but in the end. It's good to think ofyou!


You are the sea, I am the blue sky; you are the sun, I am the earth. We areso far away, but we are attached to each other.


I once looked up at the sky with my friends, and then we were in tears. Hewas in love because I was sprained my neck.


How many times does the palpin leave and look back, but still miss thislife.


The furthest distance in the world is not the space between life and death,not Tiangeyifang, but I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I loveyou.


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