

日期:2020年09月29日 分类:祝福语



2、英语作为世界通用的语言,是与世界各国交流的窗口,但是很多专用名词的翻译还是需要我们去考究的,比如腊八节的英语介绍我们该怎么翻译?这个问题估计是有点难度的,所以我们还是直接点看看腊八节用英语怎么说吧!也译作:the eighth day of thetwelfth lunar month!

3、In Chinese, the words “garlic” and “calculate” have the same pronunciation; therefore, eating garlic on Laba Day is symbolic of reckoning the year’s income and expenses as year-end approaches.。



6、No matter on the side of the road, sea, sky, good luck always be with you. Whether past, present, future, always give you the warm care, may you be the most happy man happy. Happy, good luck!



9、The ice on this day is said to possess supernatural power, capable of keeping those who eat it free from stomachache for a whole year.。

10、据说,这天的冰拥有超自然的力量,它能让吃了的人一整年都不会肚子疼。 I copied your smiling face paste in my heart, I download my thoughts save it forever, I open my mobile phone to send you the most sincere blessing: I wish the Laba festival!


1、Laba ice腊八冰。根据有记载的历史,大的佛寺要向穷人施粥以显示对佛祖的信仰。在距今500年前的明朝,腊八粥变成了神圣的食物,就连皇帝也要在过节的时候赐粥给群臣。在封建上层社会的推动下,腊八粥迅速风靡全国。 the garlic will turn green. This pickled garlic goes very well with dumplings.。


3、Accordingto written records, large Buddhist temples would offer it to the poor to showtheir faith to Buddha.。

4、Labais celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to thetraditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese meansthe 12th lunar month and ba means eight.。


6、朋友是天,朋友是地,有了朋友可以顶天立地。朋友是风,朋友是雨,有了朋友可以呼风唤雨。财富不是永久的,朋友却是永久的财富!祝腊八节快活!英语作为世界通用的语言,是与世界各国交流的窗口,但是很多专用名词的翻译还是需要我们去考究的,比如腊八节的英语介绍我们该怎么翻译?这个问题估计是有点难度的,所以我们还是直接点看看腊八节用英语怎么说吧!也译作:the eighth day of thetwelfth lunar month!

7、To thank all the friends over the years on my key support, especially in the Laba Festival held bargain activities! Always in my heart has an important position in the people, will be provided by me $1 free SMS blessing .。



10、腊八节习俗。The friend is the day, the friend is, with friends of indomitable spirit. Friend is the wind, rain friend is a friend, can summon wind and call for rain. Wealth is not permanent, friend is permanent wealth! Wish the Laba festival!


1、In the Ming Dynasty about 500 years ago, it became sucha holy food that emperors would offer it to their officials during festivals.As it gained favor in the feudal upper class, it also quickly became popularthroughout the country.。

2、Northerners have a custom of leaving a basin of water outside the house to be frozen; they break this ice into pieces and eat it on Laba Day.。

