

日期:2020年10月15日 分类:祝福语


1、Much joy to you in the up coming year。愿您在新的一年充满快乐!

2、Don't forget to hang up the sock!别忘了挂上袜子!

3、Wishinbg you health and happiness in the year to come.祝你在新的一年里健康,快乐.。


5、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year。祝你节日以及一年中开开心心!

6、Wishing you a beautiful holiday season.节日愉快.。

7、We wish you a merry Christmas.我们祝你圣诞快乐.。

8、Noel!圣诞快乐!May peace,happiness and good fortune be with you always. 祝您年年阖第平安,岁岁满目吉祥.。

9、Wishing you a white Christmas.愿你有一个银白色的圣诞.。

10、May peace,happiness and good fortune be with you always.祝您年年阖第平安,岁岁满目吉祥.。


1、We've had a rather uneventful year!我们度过了平安无事的一年。

2、Merry Christmas and a happy new year.敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜.。

3、May happiness follow you everywhere ...just like we do. 愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般.。

4、更多热门文章:。Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

5、Happy holidays!节日快乐!

6、Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐.。

7、Season's greetings.顺颂时祺.。

8、Best wishes on this holiday season.献上最诚挚的节日祝福.。

9、Wish all the best wishes for you。献上最美好的祝愿!

10、May the holidays fill your heart with happiness.祝您节日快乐.。

