

日期:2020年10月21日 分类:祝福语


1、1000 roses give you, wants you to love itself well; 1000 paper cranes give you, lets the worry be far away from you! 1000 ascendents give you, lets the good luck revolve you! the international working women's day is joyful!

2、what is arrogant? cow! what is modest? installs! what is diligent and thrifty? digs out! what is fengxian? silly! what is intelligent? blows! what beautiful woman? you!

3、A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。——亚当斯This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful t...(查看全文)。

4、With music,candle and bell may peace and happiness be with you.乐声环绕,烛光闪烁,钟声飘向远方,让幸福、安康、快乐,降临到你和家人的旁边。Three hundred and sixty-five days,everywhere be touched with ...(查看全文)。

5、On this happy festival,you can have a happy and nice holiday!Enjoy yourself,take easy,and have a rest!


7、"How beautiful is youth! How bright it gleams with its fantasy,aspirations and vainly hope!"。

8、相关信息:。 will not have the sun, the flowers not to open; has not liked then not having happiness; does not have the woman also not to love; without the mother, also will not have the poet, also will not have the hero. the international working women's day is joyful!

9、May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you.愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christma...(查看全文)。

10、Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.感恩节是一年中最美好的日子。I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.我爱吃,所以我爱过感恩节。I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.希望你...(查看全文)。


1、the wife, today is march eighth international working women's day, is your great holiday! at this moment, i must give you thousands of injunctions with to send regards that this is most valuable “poor”!

2、Hope you can happy every day ,always have a good temper!Look up to the blue sky,and find the happiness in your life!

3、"He who does not love his country is meant to be disqualified from being a human being,。

4、is also the march eighth, delivers you ten catties iron. boils the pot nutrition soup, makes up the calcium the blood tonic. puts a new years vacation again, the wages gives in the same old way. what question also has, looks for green jade prostitute。

5、也许你想用英语表达对三八妇女节的祝福,you can have a happy and nice holiday!Enjoy yourself,take easy,and have a rest!

