

日期:2020年10月29日 分类:祝福语


1、I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a mother as loving, caring and wonderful as you.。

2、Mom, you’ve always been there for me. There‘s no way I could ever fully express my gratitude (n.感激)for all you’ve done for me. I love you! Happy Mother‘s Day.。

3、To a mom who‘s thoughtful, loving, and kind, I’m so thankful for the ties that bind our hearts together in tender(adj.温柔的) love. Happy Mother‘s Day–you’re a gift from above!

4、As many as the stars on the sky, so do I have as much regards to the woman who brought me to this world, happy mother’s day!

5、It’s my time to know you that how fortunate(adj.幸运的) and special I am to be blessed with a mother as caring, loving as you. Wish you a happy Mother‘s Day Mom.。

6、With zeal(n.热情) and courage you have brought and fought for us that we can share in love bound with togetherness. You are so special to us mother.。

7、Your smile brightens(v.照亮) each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and it‘s with no doubt that this gives us the courage to face the new day with joy.。

8、西安兵马俑在线5月12日讯 有哪些适合母亲节送给妈妈的英文祝福呢?新东方网留学频道在此和大家分享一些母亲节祝福。 filled with love and care for your child and the entire(adj.整个) family.。

