首页三号文库Inventory: 货存、库存量

Inventory: 货存、库存量

日期:2023年08月06日 分类:三号文库

Inventory: 货存、库存量




OPEC needs to stick to its pledge to raise daily crude oil output by half a million barrels on Aug. 1, even though U.S. oil prices are lower and inventories are higher.

Inventory 除了“详细目录、财产清单”的意思外,还表示“存货、库存量”。例如下面这句关于清仓处理的'广告语:We are liquidating some inventory and offering 10% off our regular prices for the following parts.(我们正在清理一些存货,对于以下的零件提供低于平常价格10%的折扣。)

【Inventory: 货存、库存量】
