

日期:2023年06月02日 分类:警句格言


1. 正如玫瑰逗人喜爱,愿你的生日带给你愉快,因为你是最可爱的妹妹,愿你生日焕发光彩,伴随着喜悦和欢笑,从天明到日落。

2. 亲爱的:在这特别的日子,我只能用心去默默地想你、爱你。只想告诉你:永远深爱着你,你的一切都在牵动着我。

3. 曙光初现幸福在你身边艳阳高照微笑在你心间日落西山欢乐随你一天。关心你的朋友在这一天衷心祝你快乐到永远生日快乐

4. 在思念之中,我想起了你的生日。我谨用只字片语,表达对你的情怀。衷心祝愿您青春长驻,愿将一份宁静和喜悦悄悄带给您,生日快乐!

5. 你我相识许久!难忘是你我纯洁的友情!可贵是永远不变的真情!高兴是能认识你!献上我最爱的康乃馨,祝福你的生日。

6. 献上我对你的爱,祝你生日充满温馨,感谢你一直以来对我的关怀和照顾,祝我美丽的乐观的热情的健康自信的充满活力的姐姐生日快乐

7. 虽然不能陪你度过这特别的日子,但我的祝福依旧准时送上:在你缤纷的人生之旅中,心想事成!生日快乐!

8. 今天是你的生日,一个我永远忘不掉的日子。愿上帝保佑你一生平平安安、健健康康、幸福快乐!我的爱人。

9. 两片绿叶,饱含着它同根生的情谊;一句贺词,浓缩了我对你的祝福。愿快乐拥抱你,在这属于你的特别的一天,生日快乐!

10. 感谢上苍在今天给了我一个特别的礼物,就是你。长长的人生旅程,有你相伴是我一生的幸福。祝你生日快乐!

11. 献上我对你的爱,祝你生日充满温馨,感谢你一直以来对我的关怀和照顾,祝我美丽的乐观的热情的健康自信的充满活力的姐姐生日快乐!

12. 等待,只为与你的相遇。也许没有人会相信,这一刹那迸出的光芒,将要映亮你我漫漫一生。我在那盛开的兰花瓣上写出对你无穷的思念与祝福,并祝你生日快乐

13. 在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给你,愿您拥有365个美丽的日子,衷心地祝福你--生日快乐!

14. 我认为健康和快乐是人生最重要的两件东西,如果它们可以转让,我愿意把我的.那一份都给你--祝你生日快乐

15. 祝你生日快乐!你的才干使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿未来的日子锦上添花!

16. 一年365天,是等,是盼,你的来到给世界平添了几分色彩,愿下一个365天,笑容依然灿烂。

17. 日光给你镀上成熟,月华增添你的妩媚,生日来临之际,愿朋友的祝福汇成你快乐的源泉……谨祝你一生快乐。

18. 在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给你,愿您拥有365个美丽的日子,衷心地祝福你--生日快乐!

19. 只有懂得生活的人,才能领略鲜花的娇艳,只有懂得爱的人,才能领略到心中芬芳,祝你有一个特别的生日。

20. 让我为你祝福让我为你欢笑因为在你生日的今天我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝你生日快乐!

21. 生日快乐!我要送你一份100%纯情奶糖:成份=真心+思念+快乐,有效期=一生,营养=温馨+幸福+感动

22. 在你的生日之际,诚挚地献上我的三个祝愿:一愿你身体健康;二愿你幸福快乐;三愿你万事如意!

23. 亲爱的:在这特别的日子,我只能用心去默默地想你、爱你。只想告诉你:永远深爱着你,你的一切都在牵动着我。

24. 日光给你镀上成熟,月华增添你的妩媚,生日来临之际,愿朋友的祝福汇成你快乐的源泉……谨祝你一生快乐

25. 绿色是生命的颜色,绿色的浪漫是生命的浪漫。因此,我选择了这个绿色的世界,馈赠给你的生日。愿你充满活力,青春常在。




1) 我怕黑,却恋上了夜;怕痛,却把自己弄的伤痕累累;我讨厌热闹,却害怕孤独;我爱上你,却怕你有一天转身离去;我喜欢快乐,却还是为你流下泪水;曾经以为,我是你的春天,可我忘了,春天的后面是寒冬;曾经以为,我能戒情,戒网,戒伤心,可我忘了,最难戒的却是你。

2) 我不知道死亡的时候,凝望苍穹竟然回那么凄凉,一声一声霰雪鸟的悲鸣,斜斜地掠天而去,我看到你的面容浮现在苍蓝色的天空之上,于是我笑了,由于我看到你,快乐得像个长不大的孩子。

3) 从现在开始你只准疼我一个,要宠我,不许骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我说的每一句话都要真心!

4) 不要欺骗对方,也不要被对方骗,因为两个人在一起信任是最重要的,骗人是最伤人的!

5) 只有当痛苦在可以承受的时候,我们会自怨自艾;当痛苦无法承受,我们就只会一笑置之。

6) 我说不清爱情到底是什么,它也许只是男人女人间最简单自然的情感流露;是我们对幸福理解的一种概念。爱与孤独总是如影随形,我们在孤独中强烈的渴望爱。

7) 习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯看不到你。

8) 温暖是奢侈的东西,奢侈到需要用很深的寒冷和疼痛才能体现。

9) 给我一个支点,让我重新撬动你的心好吗?可令我难过的是,直到你离去,也始终不肯给我这个支点。

10) 我们一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。心,是人生戏的导演;念,是人生境的底片。人生的苦乐,不在于遇到多少事,而在于心里装着多少事!清空心里的阴霾,心净才能心静,心静才能自在、安详!

11) 爱情还是越简单的越好。经历太多磨难和考验,会更快地消耗掉当初的怦然心动!女人总觉得要让男人百转千回才得到,唯此才珍贵。可真正到手的那一刻,他只是一种大功告成的疲劳感。难追的恋人激发好胜心。好胜心太过,爱人变成了对手,多少爱情就这么戛然而止。

12) 一个人想事好想找个人来陪。一个人失去了自己。不知还有没有要在追的可望。

13) 缘分让爱情变成可能。爱情事一场毫无征兆的邂逅。

14) 第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑是因为遇到你,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你!

15) 现在明白,一个人爱另一个人,真是的很简单的东西,就像人造宝石一样普通,但是你爱他,他也爱你,就像天然宝石一样难求。

16) 不懂珍惜,换对象也难以持久;不懂宽容,换爱人也难以快乐;不懂欣赏,换眼睛也难以描述。不懂选择,再努力也难以成功;不懂行动,再聪明也难以圆梦;不懂合作,再拼搏也难以大成。不懂积累,再挣钱也难以大富;不懂满足,再富有也难以幸福;不懂养生,再治疗也难以长寿。

17) 草率地结了婚已经是错了,再也不要草率地去离婚。先试试看,真的不行再离也不迟。

18) 漫长的未来里,无数的`时间会一点一点地改变人生以为不可顽抗的轨道,让相爱的人分离,让曾经的誓言变成虚无的回忆,让年少的诗琴积上岁月的风沙,让念到的名字刻在墓地的石碑上。漫长到足够让你我相遇,相爱,然后。让你再爱上另一个人。

19) 爱情的感情线,你与我只有一线之隔,我们以为可以给与对方更多的爱,但是最终发现原来你什么都不想要。

20) 做什么事情之前都问问自己的心,不要强迫自己去爱一个人,也不要强迫自己不去爱一个人。习惯更新你的签名,担心你孤单的心情,害怕你遗弃我们的爱情。

























1, maybe he was too relaxed, she will be there waiting for him, so he assured to do your own thing, he always rushed to her date neither too fast nor too slow, busy things will think of her, because she is always there.- "Magnolia dock to us eventually lost youth"

2, jealous is the most obvious confession, waiting is the most stupid confession, accompanied by the longest love confession."

3, our life may encounter a lot of people, sometimes just the way, will be in for a walk together, until we met a man who really want to spend the rest of my life, would put the rest of the journey all the way to the people, together with the end point.- "Magnolia dock to us eventually lost youth"

4, I sincerely feel that a man, a woman together, have children, is the most happy life.- Willl Smith

5, what are you waiting for?Time is over, that's what it's saying, but not so fast.No matter where you go, should remember, the past is false memories is a never-ending road, every spring to cease to exist, even the toughest and frantic love after all is but a fleeting reality!-- Marcks's "hundred years of solitude"

6, if I love you, and you just fall in love with me.When your hair is messy, I will smile for you to dial a group, and then the hand still reluctant to stay on your head for a few seconds.But if I love you, and you don't love me unfortunately.Your hair is messed up, I'll just tell you gently, your hair is messed up.This is probably the most pure view of love, if love, portable hand to the old; if you miss, then protect him well.

7. The wind is shaking its leaves, the grass is sticking its seeds. You don't do anything. Standing there is beautiful.

8. Never say "wait". What a luxury it is to wait.In the movie, just switch on the lens, subtitles appear on several lines of small characters --- twenty years later.Then Confidante white hair, everything is ending, and now life, which is not for three or five years, students need to pay a second, a really long life.So you're still here - "Magnolia dock"

9, do not let me wait for you, I am afraid I do not have enough courage, have been waiting in place, more afraid that we walk, and then can not find each other.- "Magnolia dock to us eventually lost youth"

10, because did not get, so it seems particularly good, this is not love.- the best of us in Changan in August

11, like a person's mood is not advised, do you think I suffered cold shoulder, did not advise yourself?- the best of us in Changan in August

12, people, the wounds of life, not to use words to heal, nor is it to use infinite time to forget, but with happiness to cure.- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

13, I assure you, I will never leave you. I never knew that one day I would be bound by promises. The Vampire Diaries

There will be 14 happiness, love the world, eventually there will be a world of love each other, enduring as the universe.In such a beautiful time, she met him, fell in love with him, and then decided to stay with him.Time to this, perfect no sigh.- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

15, "Night Flower fall, I will have to go there; send your heart light, before parting and not miss each other."- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

16, Gu Shaoye: the horizon is far away, from now on you are in my heart.The "phoenix" right - yuan

17, I love each other, so, juanqimei, plain water.I found him in the years and depended on him to give him my life.Be his wife, his child's mother, cook for him, wash his clothes, sew a missing button.Then we grew old together in time.One day he will leave me or I'll leave him to go to another world where the next world edge, then we can say to each other the most simple sentence "I am willing to".- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

18, the original you miss the most, that is not with me is not you, fck me to pay so much could not restore feelings, but the innocent forced to fling caution to the winds, I love you.And really loved those years.

19, the world's only two can be called romantic feelings: one is called each other, another is known in the arena; we have to do is to strive for and love, and love the people in the political arena.- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

20, young, we always have nothing to do at the beginning, at the end of the heart.As we grow older, we may avoid childish harm, but also miss the courage to begin.Nine Ye Hui "that year a hurry

21, some people have no chance to see, and so have the opportunity to see, but hesitated, meeting each other is better than not.Some things have no chance to do so, and so have the opportunity, but do not want to do it again.Some words buried in the heart for a long time, there is no chance to say, when there is a chance to say, but can not say.Some love has not had the opportunity to love, and so have the opportunity, has no love.- Eileen Chang, "some people, we've been missing."

23, when you are old and grey and full of sleep when you are old to walk and nodding by the fire recall how many people loved you sing the youth youth hour and loved your beauty with love false or true only one love you pious soul love you old wrinkles on the face when you are old and low hanging eyebrows dim lights not the wind blows your message, this is the song in my heart - Yeats Zhao Zhao "when you are old"

24, life is a train to the grave, there will be a lot of standing on the road, it is difficult to have someone to walk through with you.When your partner is going to get off the bus, you should be thankful for it and wave goodbye.Hayao Miyazaki: "spirited away"

25, you have to believe there is your lover in the world, whether you are being surrounded by light applause drowned, or when you are walking alone in the cold rain on the streets are wet, whether it is floating snow early in the morning, or be hot roast dusk, he will pass through this world with the surging the crowd, he walked one by one to them, to you.He will be filled with the heat, and the eyes of heavy love, walked to your side, grasp you.He can't wait to go to your side, if he is young, he will be like a naughty child occupied with their own toys is not willing to share with others like hug you.If he is no longer young, that he would like the hunter, you lit the fire, then embrace you tired and sleep safely.He's sure to find you, you have to wait.Guo Jingming's little age

26, I slowly learned that the so-called father mother a, simply means that you and his fate is constantly drifting away in this present life after his figure.You stood at the end of the path, watching him disappear into the corner of the road, and he told you, "don't chase.".- Long Yingtai, "look after"

27, you still don't come, how can I get old.- Eileen Chang

28, maybe a lot of people know I like you.But I think even the almost omniscient you probably don't know. I like how much you like.One of the wind - "Phoenix Phoenix prison"

29, not all people can meet the right person at the right age.Even if you meet the right person, you may not be able to afford your wishful love.White Luo Mei "you are my" Jinse unease

30, if the world is my warm, so is your gentle and long time.- to "sound"

31 do you have to go?Can I take a break?.Like me, occasionally sleep, occasionally a daze, occasionally go wrong, occasionally noisy mood, occasionally shamelessly......Do you have to go so firm and strict?The old man was exhausted!- a few meters, "listen to a few meters singing."

32, you may not know that the person you love, to eliminate all interference factors, only by sound recognize you.- to "sound"

33, love, is a kind of happiness, that is love has not yet happened before; faithful, is a valuable, that is love is happening; persistence is a kind of beauty, that is love setbacks; but when love has ended, give up, is a kind of courage.Once young, dark love, once fleeting dark turn, review, once once......Silence silent love: "love silent silence" Gardenia Flower

34, is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love of suffering, we think that love is very heavy, is the world's heaviest weight, one day, when you look back, we found that it's always light light; we all thought love was very deep, but infact will let you know but it is very shallow, very shallow.Zhang Xiaoxian's kiss in the air

35, roses and love are so similar, blooming roses will drop one by one, love to the summit, will step by step into the tears.Lin Qingxuan's the rose coast

36, when I am tired of everything, I think of you, think of you living somewhere in the world, and I am willing to put up with everything.Your presence is very important to me

37, would like to use a black pencil, draw a silent drama bright lights can hold you again to sing a hoarse song in the corner, then loudly also give you listen, don't speak, don't speak "Eason"

38, there is a person who understands you, is the greatest happiness.This person, not necessarily perfect, but he can read you, can walk into your heart, can understand your heart all.The most understanding of your people, always will be in your side, silently guard you, love you, do not let you suffer injustice.The one who truly loves you doesn't say many things that love you, but do a lot of things to love you.

39, when we were young, we had enough reasons to truly like another person. As we grew up, we had the same reason to betray another person.Therefore, the initial feelings of those young, but will remember life.Perhaps it is: good times, old times.Nine Ye Hui "early love"

40, I have always believed that all noble sentiments are ashamed to express, and all profound experience is clumsy in words - Zhou Guoping

41, if you want to work for love, you should do your best, and the person you love will find you by yourself."The little thing about love

42, the "son of Joe wake up when Mika but not pregnant. Phoebe admits the feelings of the time, but a little and Connaught LAN together. Zhang Wei love has just started, and the other has become rivals. Some people are so, are you ready, but has missed the best time in me. I must be good enough to become eligible to meet you, but when I met you, is the best. I" love apartments 4 ""

43, experience a love, like a snow, come as beautiful, but can go to the cold.You may think I'm lonely, but you can't think that I'm lonely, lonely, but my soul is not supported, but loneliness is really without attachment.At the crossroads of life.I've never been lonely, because I have love in my heart

44, love in the left, in the right situation, walk on the road of life, at any time to sow, flowering time, the long distance with fragrance to pedestrians through brambles, don't feel pain; tears can fall, don't feel sad.-- Bing Xin's "sending small readers"

45, Mei Sheng and beam in women, the woman is water, not to go, holding beam column die.- Chuang-tzu, Chuang-tzu

46, now, I finally understand, I have crossed the thousand winds, crossing over thousands of lives, across the poem wine time, but cross, but you look away.The world would be "Queen" - yuan

47, boil snow, if really have its matter, other things can also leave, we can use an empty bottle tonight sweet scented osmanthus to pack up, wait for the sweet scented osmanthus to thank, fall in the past, open the bottle cap again, savor carefully.Love the warmth of a fine glass box containing, when the youth, old as I lifted the lid and blowing a heat, enough to make us old with this consolation.Lin Qingxuan: "a pot of moonlight wine"

48, as long as two people in love together, everywhere is paradise.For those who truly love each other, the other person's heart is the best house.For the dead, forgetting is the best present for him."Winter Sonata"

49, between the moonlight and snow color, you are third kinds of stunning.- Yu Guangzhong, "stunning."

50, farewell did not say goodbye, whether you sad, turned a few smiles unwilling, perhaps next winter may be ten years, and then back to you, for you umbrella - Chen Xuedong, "small age 3 thorn age"

51, I believe that the people who really care about me will not be taken away by others, whether it is friendship or love.- Sanmao

52, I love you you call me to the East, I like lamb you let me give you the grass to the west, I like the sunset reflected you rosy clouds you call me to the north, you are my winter Lily in the South you let me, you are my air, you are my gentle bride the four corners of the world, the love I miss the stars the stars I love you you are my rich fruits, crying in the blood flow of thoughts you are my dream I love you tender hand control ways, ecstasy, I love you, her "I love you"

53 men are mud, women are water.The mud is thick, the water is muddy; the water is much, and the mud is thin.Not many, pinch two clay - Shenxianjuanlv a pair.- her "Dear Sanmao"

54, I thought that one day, I will completely forget love, forget you.But one day, when I heard an old love song, my tears came down.Because of this song, we've heard it together.- Michael Jordan

55, I would like to enter the stage of life in the sunset, he will once again as a bridge across the shallow stream, I wish my dear you, catch my sincerity and embrace.- her "Dear Sanmao"

56, twelve bells rang, Jose put me in his arms, said: "make twelve wishes."The mind repeating the same words: twelve "Tangshan Tangshan, danyuanrenchangjiu, danyuanrenchangjiu, danyuanrenchangjiu," her "dream whispering"

57, ask the world what is love?And in this world love who can say clearly, the man we always wishful thinking to sure that we always thought, have the courage to walk all the wind and rain, but we have always been the reality of the flood burst, I would give up halfway, but ultimately no effort against a trick of fate, no sigh in vain on the same day, just like intimate.- fwsc "dream wedding day of this present life"

58, can not see through your thoughts, feel your mood, carefully walk on the edge, worried about you angry, put me out of your world.

59, two people quarrel, the first to say sorry is not to admit defeat, and not forgive.He only cares more about the relationship than the other

60 so I have enough reason to advise you to wait patiently.Don't trust any sweet words too soon. No matter what the words are good or bad, they don't do you any good.The fruit must be ripe, will be sweet, happiness is the same.Xi Murong, the transparent sorrow




1. 我一直都坚信的一句话,要走的人你怎么都留不住。如果你要走,我也绝不会回头。古风经典爱情语录短句

2. 你的名字,你的眼睛,你的笑,你的好,我没忘,忘不掉。

3. 孤独成性只不过是厌恶人心。

4. 你说同样的错误不会犯两次,其实第二次的时候已经不是错误,而是你的选择。

5. 有些话,说再多也没用;有些事,只有自己懂。

6. 生活中没有绝境,一场场灾难都必将是经不起阳光的噩梦,经不起颠簸的泡影。人生就是道场,活着就是一种修行。内心就是信仰,灵魂就是图腾。你把内心修成什么样,你就会拥有什么样的人生。别总说命运在上天手里,其实你一出生,上天就把一半的命运交给了你。

7. 在这个世界上别太依赖任何人,因为当你在黑暗中挣扎的时候,连你的影子也会离开你。

8. 我亲手把我自己的心给扔进垃圾桶,站在很近的地方瞻望自己那血淋淋的心。

9. 雨纷纷,旧故里草木深,我听闻,你独守一个人。

10. 心相牵命相连,情归在爱恨间。这一生,这一生圆或缺,当归在你心间。古风经典爱情语录短句

11. 我的难过都是自己慢慢熬过去的。

12. 错过了花,你将收获雨,错过了雨,你会遇到彩虹。不争就是慈悲,不辩就是智慧,不闻就是清净,不看就是自在,不贪就是布施,断恶就是行善,改过就是忏悔,谦卑就是礼佛,守礼就是持戒,原谅就是解脱,知足就是放下,利人就是利己。

13. 我关心,因为我爱你。我生气,因为我在乎你。我沉默,因为我包容你。我啰嗦,因为我希望你更好。我发火,因为我不想失去你。

14. 你还好吗,好久不见,后来的你,喜欢了谁?

15. 愿我惦念之人岁岁平安,哪怕一生未见。

16. 我不想用责任和语言去绑架一个人,所以我不想再说些什么,宁可交情变淡,也不愿留一个不想呆你身边的人

17. 不善于表达的人真吃亏,付出多用情深,却没人说你好。

18. 如果有一天,我变得目中无人了,请记得,你曾经也没把我放在心上。

19. 好想抱抱你闻闻你身上的味道把脸埋进你怀里然后乖乖睡觉。

20. 烟花再美只是瞬间,情话再甜只是敷衍。

21. 生活应该向前看的,只有把自己从过去中解放出来,你前面的脚下才有路。大舍大得,小舍小得,不舍不得。生活是没有捷径的,它考验的是你的恒心与耐力,只要你多坚持一下,多忍耐一会,不悲叹过去,不荒废现在,不惧怕未来,一切就会在你的掌握之中。

22. 在逆境中看到希望,在磨难中感悟快乐,在平凡中发现快乐,在曲折中找寻快乐,在艰辛中品味快乐。不沉迷幻想,不茫然未来;不慕繁华,不必雕琢;对人朴实,做事踏实;不要太固守,要懂得取舍,学会付出;不负重心灵,不伪装精神;不贪功急进,不张扬自我,成功时低调,失败后洒脱。

23. 生活应该向前看,只有把自己从过去中解放出来,你前面的脚下才有路。以一颗宽容之心对己对人,以一份豁达的心境对人对事,那些无关大局之事,没必要锱铢必较,当忍则忍,当让则让。只有具备"海纳百川,有容乃大"的博大气魄,才能够束缚住自己内心不安份的念头,平心静气,怡然自得。

24. 生活是苦乐的堆积,苦中有乐,人生是悲喜的聚集,悲中有喜。平淡的日子里,我们都有自己的心事,平凡的.人生中,我们都有自己的轨迹。为人处事,坦然以对,不必为取悦他人而丢掉做人的风骨,也不必为名缰利锁而丧失做人的乐趣,属于你的,不要轻易言弃,与你无缘的,不去盲目追求,仰不愧天,俯不怍人。

25. 人生也是起起伏伏悲悲喜喜,这才构成完整的人生。正是在平淡中我们感悟人生的真谛,在风雨中锻炼我们的坚强,人生正是因为在酸甜苦辣咸的浸泡中走向了深刻,更加富有内涵。若能保持一颗平常心,按本色做人,按角色办事,按特色定位,不以失为忧,不以得为喜,人生就可时时安乐。古风经典爱情语录短句

26. 真正的财富在哪里?在我们的心里。心里生起智慧,智慧就是我们的财富;心生知足,知足就是我们的财富;心生惭愧,惭愧心就是我们的财富;心生禅定,禅定就是我们的财富。在心外寻找财富,那是大错特错也,真正的财富,应该是内心源源不断的能源。有句禅诗写得好,大道不从心外得,一片闲云人间来。

27. 不攀不比,心淡然;不怒不嗔,心随和。不艾,不怨,心坦然。生活,有苦乐,人生,有起落。学会挥袖从容。乐观,那不是没烦恼,而是要懂得知足;人生无完美,曲折亦风景,看开,想通,就是完美。

28. 人生没有完满,始终存在残缺,我们要为快乐而生活,为自信而前行,懂得生活的人,既积极进取,又达知天命,在苦难时坚强,欢乐时谨慎,知足知不足,有为有不为,而幸福就是在这种不偏不倚中水到渠成。

29. 时常怀着一颗平常的心,寻找一份如秋水般明净的清宁,在噪杂的尘世中安静地生活,感觉就是一种幸福。人生,就像是一场落叶匆匆,所有的过往只是浮华一梦。我们无法把握生命的长度,无法左右尘世的风霜雨雪,但我们可以怀着一个淡然的心,静观白云出岫的美丽,细听山涧清泉的从容。

30. 身安,不如心安;屋宽,不如心宽。以自然之道,养自然之身;以喜悦之身,养喜悦之神。有所畏惧,是做人最基本的良心准则。所谓快乐,不是财富多而是欲望少。做人,人品为先,才能为次;做事,明理为先,勤奋为次。人生要学会不抱怨,不等待,不盲从。

31. 对不起是一种真诚,没关系是一种风度。做人最大的乐融于通过奋斗去获得我们想要的东西,所以有缺点意味着我们可以进一步完美,有匮乏之处意味着我们可以进一步努力。人生总能以不可思议的速度翻转,心明则世界明,心美则世界美,心净则世界净。我们改变不了世界,但可以改变自己。

32. 人生就像骑单车,要想保持平衡就得始终往前走。昨天越来越多,明天越来越少。做一个最单纯的人,走一段最幸福的路。最难打开的是心门,可一旦打开,你会看见阳光灿烂的世界,热情明媚的自己。

33. 人的一生需要走走、停停、看看、想想,没有反思的人生,只是一次没有意义的旅行。有些伤口,无论过多久,依然一碰就痛,有些人,不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼。重要的不是你现在何处,而是你下一步将迈向何方。其实生活很简单,就是在晴天,给阳光一个满满的拥抱。

34. 人活一世爱最真。人活一生情最亲。人生苦短,知足常乐。一个人生活一世,懂得取舍,懂得舍得,懂得满足,懂得知足,心才能开阔。人才不会被生活约束在欲望的城堡。知足常乐,乐在自知,乐在自足。

35. 路就在脚下,它是由人走出来的。人生最大的乐趣,就是在平淡之中发现美和创造美。美,需要物质基础;但真正的美,不是单靠昂贵和奢华就能装点出来的。在平凡和朴素之中创造美,是一种真实的美丽,是一种思想的升华,是一种浪漫的情怀。

36. 两个人在一起久了,真的会越来越像!比如说话的语气,微笑的弧度,皱眉头的样子,还有喝咖啡的姿势!就连喜欢的东西都变得一样!但可惜,我们分手了,以后我也许会更像另外一个人!但我敢肯定,我越来越不像自己了,因为我太爱别人,不爱自己!

37. 尽管一路上危机四伏,只要我们坚定的走下去幸福就一定不远。

38. 世界没你想象的那么好,但也没有你想象的那么坏,你过来,来我身边,月亮不抱你,时光摧毁你,可我爱你。

39. 无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人前面。

40. 有些东西你一旦触碰无法自拔。有些东西一生只能拥有一次,不要贪心。不要让自己在鱼与熊掌之间徘徊。
















