

日期:2023年07月14日 分类:励志名言





1. A considerable amount of literature has been published on X. These studies ......

2. There is a large volume of published studies describing the role of ......

3. The first serious discussions and analyses of X emerged during the 1970s with ......

4. The generalisability of much published research on this issue is problematic.

5. What we know about X is largely based upon empirical studies that investigate how ......

6. During the past 30 years much more information has become available on ......

7. In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on .......

8. A large and growing body of literature has investigated ......


1. Many historians have argued that ...... (eg. Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Smith, 1994)

2. Numerous studies have attempted to explain ..... (for example, Smith , 1996; Kelly, 1998; Johnson, 2022)

3. Recent evidence suggests that ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999; Johnson, 2022)

4. Recently, in vitro studies have shown that T.thermophylus EFTu can ...... (Patel et al., 1997;Jones et al., 1998).

5. Surveys such as that conducted by Smith (1988) have shown that ......

6. Several attempts have been made to ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999; Johnson, 2022)

7. Several studies have revealed that it is not just X that acts on ...... (Smith, 1996; Jones .......

8. Several biographies of Harris have been published. Smith presents an ........ account, whilst Jones .....

9. Several studies investigating X have been carried out on ......

10. Data from several sources have identified the increased morbidity and mortality associatedwith obesity

11. Previous studies have reported ...... (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1992).

12. Previous research findings into X have been inconsistent and contradictory (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999, ......

13. A number of studies have found that ...... (Smith , 2022; Jones, 2022).

14. Twenty cohort study analyses have examined the relationship between .......

15. At least 152 case-control studies worldwide have examined the relationship between......

16. Other studies have considered the relationship ......

17. The relationship between X and Y has been widely investigated (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987, .......

18. The causes of X have been widely investigated (Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Smith, 1994).

19. The geology of X has been addressed in several smallscale investigations and .......

20. Xs have been identified as major contributing factors for the decline of many species (1).

21. X has also been shown to reverse the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids in murine- induced arthritis (11).

22. It has been suggested that levels of X are independent of the size of the Y (Smith et al., 1995) It has conclusively been shown that X and Y increase Z (Smith et al., 1999; Jones, 2022 ......

23. It has been demonstrated that a high intake of X results in damage to ...... (Smith, 1998; ......


1. One question that needs to be asked, however, is whether ......

2. A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that ......

3. One of the limitations with this explanation is that it does not explain why...4. One criticism of much of the literature on X is that ......

5. The key problem with this explanation is that ......

6. The existing accounts fail to resolve the contradiction between X and Y.

7. However, there is an inconsistency with this argument.

8. Smith's argument relies too heavily on qualitative analysis of ......

9. It seems that Jones' understanding of the X framework is questionable. Smith's interpretation overlooks much of the historical research ......

10. One major criticism of Smith's work is that .....

11. Many writers have challenged Jones' claim on the grounds that .......

12. X's analysis does not take account of ..... nor does he examine ......


1. Another problem with this approach is that it fails to take X into account.

2. Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of this method is that .....

3. Difficulties arise, however, when an attempt is made to implement the policy.

4. Nevertheless, the strategy has not escaped criticism from governments, agencies and academics.

5. One major drawback of this approach is that ......

6. The main limitation of biosynthetic incorporation, however, is ......

7. However, this method of analysis has a number of limitations.

8. However, approaches of this kind carry with them various well known limitations.

9. All the studies reviewed so far, however, suffer from the fact that .......

10. However, there are limits to how far the idea of/concept of X can be taken.

11. However, such explanations tend to overlook the fact that......

12. However, one of the problems with the instrument the researchers used to measure X was ......


1. Article references were searched further for additional relevant publications. Articles were searched from January 1965 until April 2022.

2. Publications were only included if .......

3. X was prepared according to the procedure used by Patel et al. (1957).

4. The synthesis of X was done according to the procedure of Smith (1973).

5. X was synthesised using the same method that was detailed for Y, using ......

6. This compound was prepared by adapting the procedure used by Zhao et al. (1990).

7. For this study the X was used to explore the subsurface ......

8. An alternative method for making scales homogenous is by using .....


1. The initial sample consisted of 200 students of whom 13 did not complete all of the interviews

2. All studies described as using some sort of X procedure were included in the analysis.

3. A systematic literature review was conducted of studies that .....

4. All of the participants were aged between 18 and 19 at the beginning of the study.....

5. Two groups of subjects were interviewed, namely X and Y. The first group were ......

6. A random sample of patients with ...... was recruited from .......

7. Forty-seven students studying X were recruited for this study.

8. The students were divided into two groups based on their performance on ......

9. The project used a convenience sample of 32 first year modern languages students.

10. Just over half the sample (53%) was female, of whom 69% were ......

11. Participants were recruited from 15 clinics across ......, covering urban and rural areas ......

12. Eligibility criteria required individuals to have received ....

13. Five individuals were excluded form the study on the basis of ....

14. Eligible women who matched the selection criteria were identified by ......

15. Semi structured interviews were conducted with 17 male offenders with a mean age of 38 years

16. A comparison group of 12 male subjects without any history of X was drawn from a pool of .......


1. In order to identify the T10 and T11 spinous processes, the subjects were asked to ......

2. In order to understand how X regulates Y, a series of transfections was performed.

3. To enable the subjects to see the computer screen clearly, the laptop was configured with ......

4. To see if the two methods gave the same measurement, the data was plotted and ......

5. To control for bias, measurements were carried out by another person.

6. To measure X, a question asking ...... was used.

7. To determine whether ......, KG-1 cells were incubated for ......

8. To establish whether ......,

9. To increase the reliability of measures, each X was tested twice with a 4-min break between .......

10. To compare the scores three weeks after initial screening, a global ANOVA F-test was used The vials were capped with ..... to prevent volatisation.

11. In an attempt to make each interviewee feel as comfortable as possible, the interviewer ......


1. For the purpose of height measurement, subjects were asked to stand .....

2. For the purpose of analysis, 2 segments were extracted from each ......

3. For the estimation of protein concentration, 100 μL of protein sample was mixed with ......




1. 做研究之前,必须想清楚:结果能不能发表?发表在哪里?

2. 先把文章大框写好,空出数据,等做完实验填完空就可以发了;正所谓心中有沟壑!

3. 在未搞清“写什么、发哪里、自己研究与同类研究有何出色之处”之前,就不要动手做!

4. 继续去看文献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做!

5. 要想这样做,就得先看文献!要知道如何把文章架起来、要知道别人是如何讨论的、要知道自己的数据是不是说明了与别人不同的东东或别人没有做过……这个过程就是阅读文献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了!

6. 要是先做事,做完发现别人做过,或无法用理论来解释,岂不是冤大头?


1. 课题选择和国际接轨。想在国际核心期刊发表文献,就必须了解国际研究动态,选择与国际学术研究合拍的课题。由于多方面因素的影响,我国科学研究选题与国际先进水平还有一定距离。我国一家权威科研机构不久前在国内挑选了许多前沿领域的研究课题,准备参与国际合作,但到美国后发现近三分之二的课题已经不属前沿,在美国很少有人研究。在高校,一些教师治学严谨、基础扎实,但科研成果不突出,重要原因就是不重视有关领域学术动态,不能选得合适的课题。

2. 课题要有可发展性。课题可发展性对高水平论文的持续产出具有极大作用。中国科技大学范洪义另辟蹊径,发展了诺贝尔奖得主狄拉克(Dirac)奠定的量子论的符号法,系统地建立了“有序算符内的积分理论”,1998年有24篇论文被SCI收录;他对自己论文高产的解释是,研究“具有开创性,突破一点以后就可以向纵深发展,使研究工作自成系列、成面成片”。我院被SCI收录论文最多的杨新民老师从事凸性理论研究,该理论兴起于 20世纪70年代,90年代进入高峰。作为新兴研究领域,该理论本身有许多尚待研究之处,同时该理论也可用来解决最优化方面的问题。反之,有人由于所接触的问题已处于该研究分支的末端,即使在该点上有所突破,也难持续发展。

3. 借助工具选题:①查阅有关领域的检索工具,这些工具各高校都有;②了解SCI收录期刊所反映的科技动态,ISI期刊信息可从http://www.isinet.com查获,也可从SCI印刷版每期A、D分册的来源出版物目录(Lists of Source Publications)查找,还可从ISI引用期刊报告 (Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)了解期刊信息,该文献有印刷版、网络版(JCR on the Web)和光盘版 (JCR on CD-ROM);③利用ISI提供的选题工具,如能对正在开展的工作进行分析以保证用户科学研究同科学发展趋势一致(Essential Science Indicators),介绍有关最杰出人物研究状况、有关领域研究热点和发展趋向的(ISI Highly Cited.com);④利用网上数据库了解国际学术研究动态及有关资料。只要有心参与国际学术竞争,选择与国际学术研究接轨的课题并不存在难以克服的障碍。



1. 优秀科学家要具备敏锐的科研嗅觉,而这种敏锐性是经过长期的思考和实践获得的。通过几天或半个月的苦思苦想得到了一个自以为很好的idea,很可能是别人十几年前就做过的工作。但新手上路时重复一些经典实验以获得经验是很正常的。此外,科研要注重质量,千万不要为单纯地追求数量而令懂行的'人嘲笑。如何获得idea呢?

A. 大量地、仔细地阅读文献,多听学术报告、多与同行探讨,从中获得启示,不能急于求成。

B. 总结感兴趣领域内尚未探讨过但很有意义的课题;

C. 总结争论性很强的问题,反复比较研究方法和结论,从中发现切入点;

D. 善于抓住科研过程中遇到的难以解释的问题,往往会成为思维的闪光点;

E. 细致地拟定方案,论证可行性。

2. 获得idea的两种途径:传统途径就是先阅读大量科研论文,弄清目前的研究现状和要解决的问题等;非传统的途径是自己先冥思苦想一段时间,有了自己的idea后再去查文献。这样不会让以往的研究限制你的思维,不失为一个很好的方法。别人没作过的东西,也许不是因为别人没想到,而是因为没有意义或者没有可能性。

3. 获得良好idea的基础前提:

A. 在科研前必须弥补基础知识,这是看懂文献的基础:《生物化学》《细胞生物学》《基因VIII》必看(先看中文版翟中和《细胞》王境岩《生化》赵寿元《遗传》朱玉贤《分子》;再看英文的Albez《cell》赖宁格《biochemistry》还有经典的《gene 8》)。

B. 广泛阅读文献是支撑。硕士至少查阅600篇,粗看300篇,细看100篇,研读50篇。博士至少再多一倍,并始终关注国际动态。《nature》《science》《cell》《PNAS》《JBC》《MBC》《Genes & Development》不放过,SCI-3分以上期刊应该耳熟能详!

C. 学会阅读文献,读懂文章。建议先review再article,先中后英;中文只看《科学通报》《中国科学》,其他不看;看10-20篇review后看研究性论文。拿到一篇研究性论文,先看标题,立即停住,问自己几个问题:(1)想想别人这文章是怎么做的(可参考材料方法)?会做哪些内容来说明其标题?(2)明白他为什么要做这个吗?(3)如文章是近半年内发表的,该文章解决了什么问题?引出了什么问题(结合你看的综述)?接下来仔细看摘要,就知道你的想法是否与别人吻合?(4)看完实验结果,再思考有什么地方不完善?有没有深入或拓展到底?一般来说,SCI-3分以下的文章只可能做了一部分机理,下面肯定有东西可做,关键是你自己要思考,去发现。

4. 长期作战持之以恒。做好上面所述要求肯定会有所谓idea,但过程艰辛,需长时间磨练,需要patience和passion。有天赋的人能考上海中科院生命科学院,北京中科院那几个所,北大、清华。耐心干5年,这些地方正为中国带来更多本土nature、science文章。


1. 几点忠告:多看paper没有坏处;多找非老板的其他人,如其他教授,postdoc,前辈师兄等讨论,借鸡下蛋;可以动手的东西容易上手,比如软件等;找机会去开会,认认牛人,不发paper,做做volunteer,或者参加phd symposium之类。五主动参加seminar,自己讲几次看过的paper,最好自己组织一个topic拉几个师兄弟和postdoc参加,注意找几本教科书看看,打好基础。

2. 如何获得IDEA:

A. 需对研究的领域有一个全局性了解,按老板的话说是要有bird eye。

B. 要有bird eye,需比较全面地阅读本领域文章。读文章要其idea,总结成一句话,并用卡片记录好,分类整理。如果把别人文章的idea总结成一句话,就容易理解它的本质,也好作变化。

C. 读了很多文章后,可以写一个special study,将读过的本领域东西系统总结在一起,相当于你的综合理解,也就是bird eye看到的东西了。以后翻阅起来也相当方便。

D. 用心分析对于别人的idea,任何一个idea都有weakness;想办法解决它,那就成自己idea。最好的办法就是看大牛的paper,无论他有多牛,他的文章总是在说一个方面,总有其他东西没有包括进去,把他的文章认真精读了,总会发现漏洞和不足或不全面之处,然后你就知道怎么做了。记住:每篇文章几乎都有没有考虑完全的东西。

E. 时不时阅读更广泛领域的东西,扩大bird eye范围,对领域外的感兴趣的文章进行copy收藏,这个叫walk around a little bit,很多领域外的东西可以借鉴、学科交叉从而产生new idea。

F. 经常跟牛人、博士后或高年级博士等有思想的人(最好不是相同专业,而是相关专业或交叉学科)讨论,也容易出idea。再有就是,关注其他专业的书籍、杂志等信息,从中获取交叉创新idea



























SCI journal editors to teach you how to write SCI thesis

SCI paper, how to write? General can be divided into the title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references eight parts.

Title: the nature and purpose of SCI writing title must conform to article content and concise, accurate expression of the. The title of the paper to buckle, the title is usually composed of noun phrases, if the verb, participle or a gerund form for. The title can not be too long, generally want a paper title not more than 100 English character.

Abstract: the abstract is writing SCI papers by what kind of method to obtain what kind of result, data, put forward meaningful conclusion (including positive and negative). According to four to have written, English Abstract: objective, method, result, conclusion. The conclusion, English content should be consistent. Abstract of 200-300 words. Keywords 5. English abstract should also include the title, author name (Pinyin), unit name, city name. The author lists the top 3, 3 plus Preface: main achievements or past research situation, method, purpose and the. Here is more than 100 ~ 200 words.

Introduction: SCI the introduction of writing this topic background, summing up the results of previous studies, the reality of the situation and the existing problems, take appropriate means to emphasize my most important in this research discovery or contribution.

Materials and methods: This is a key point to SCI thesis writing research, for to carry out the research work, must be in accordance with the actual situation, in a good choice for certain conditions, the number of subjects with specific experimental, diagnostic or therapeutic methods (including pre experiment steps, methods, equipment, reagents, drugs), after observation of a certain period of time, the control group under the same conditions, and other results and analysis. If reviewers that the experimental materials and methods have drawbacks, then design the defective. The result is the thesis is rejected, the focus is to complete description.

Conclusion: will concentrate all the original data, random, objective analysis, don't have to choose. For some negative results, not all. As organized, logical, were observed and compared, in the inspection process is not the same place revision, supplement. SCI thesis writing in order to avoid the assumption that assumption in the conclusion of the unknown, to illustrate the unknown, and in turn circular reasoning.

Discussion: SCI thesis writing essence, is to interpret and infer the results. The advantages and disadvantages of the experimental conditions, the similarities and differences of himself with other scholar's results, highlighting the new discovery, new invention; explain the causal relationship, the contingency and inevitability; urgent research direction and the main problems. The effect of limitations on the results.

Acknowledgements: SCI thesis writing acknowledgements part mainly shows the research is funded what funds or funds under the condition of complete and expressed thanks to the participation of personnel and units.

Reference: the column reference purposes, in the citation data (point, etc.) sources, can not be copied. General requirements cited references must be used to read important, recent documents shall prevail. On the 10 or so, on the 5, in about 20, for reference according to the included reference principle.

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