

日期:2023年07月07日 分类:优美句子



1.不等式 1的解集在数轴上(图3-1)表示正确的是( )

2.在 四对数值中,满足方程3x-y=2的有( )

A.1对 B.2对 C.3对 D.4对

3.与3x-60同解的不等式为( )

A.63x B.x2 C.3x6 D.3x6

4.若ab,且c为有理数,则( )

A.acbc B.acbc2 D.ac2bc2

5.不等式组 的最小整数解是( )

A.-1 B.0 C.2 D.3

6.如果关于x的方程x+2m-3=3x+7的解为不大于2的非负数,那么m的取值范围是( )

A.m7或m5 B.m=5,6,7 C.无解 D.57

7.二元一次方程3x+2y=12在正整数范围内的`解有( )

A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个

8.关于x的不等式组 的解集,下列结论正确的是( )

A.解集为全体实数 B.无解

C.当m0时,不等式组有解 D.当m0时,不等式组有解

9.对于任意实数x,下列说法中正确的是( )

A.x20 B.若x0,则x20

C.若x1,则x21 D.若x0,则x2x

10.已知满足不等式 a+1的正整数只有3个,则( )

A.1 B.1




13.从方程组 中得到x与y的关系式为________.


15.若方程组 的解中x与y的值相等,则a的值为________.

16.若代数式x- 的值等于1,则x的值是________.

17.关于x的不等式 的解为x7,则a的值为_________.

18.若不等式组 无解,则a的取值范围是_______.



(1) (2)


21.分别解不等式2x-35(x-3)和 - 1,并比较x、y的大小.

22.已知关于x、y的方程组 与 的解相同,求a、b的值.

23.小明和小玲比赛解方程组 ,小玲很细心,算得此方程组解为 , 小明因抄错了C解得 ,求A、B、C的值.

24.已知方程组 的解满足 ,求a的取值范围.

25.关于x的不等式(2a-b)x+a-5b0的解集是x ,求ax+b0的解集.



1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B


11.0 12. x- 13.2x-y+3=0 14.-3 15.11 16.1 17.5 18.a4


19.解:(1)- - . (2)


得1 3,解得1

21.解:由2x-35(x-3)解得x4.由 - 1解得y-9.故xy.

22.解:∵两方程组解相同,只需解 ,解得

代入 解得 .

23.解:把 代入方程组

即A=2+B,C=-5,把 代入Ax+By=2,

得2A-6B=2,即A-3B=1,联立 得

24.解: 解得

依题意得 得






1、下列添括号正确的是( )

A、xy+1=(xy+1) B、2bac=2b(ac)

C、2xy+z1=2xy(z+1) D、3x25x23x+4=3x35x2+(3x4)

2、2ab3c+d=a( )括号里所填的代数式为( )

A、ab3c+d B、a+b+3cd C、a+b+3c+d D、a+b3cd

3、不改变式子的值,把括号前面的符号变成相反符号不正确的式子是( )

A、25+(x2y2)=25(x2y2) B、yx5(xy)=yx+5(x+y)

C、5(ab)7(ba)=5(ba)+7(ab) D、(a+b+c)(abc)=[a+(b+c)][a(b+c)]

4、下列添括号正确的是( )

A、 B、

C、 D、






例:按下列要求(说明不改变原多项式的值)把多项式 添上括号。


解:(1) ;(2) 。




1、不改变多项式 的值,把后三项放在前面是-号的括号中,以下正确的是( )

A、 B、

C、 D、

2、把多项式3x22xy+4xy22写成两个多项式的差的形式,使其中一个多项式中不含y,结果正确的是( )

A、(4xy22xy)(3x22) B、(3x22)(2xy4x2y)

C、(3x22)(2xy+4xy2) D、(4xy2+2xy)(23x2)

3、不改变 的值,把前面两项放在前面带+号的括号内,后两项放在前面带-号的括号内,得__________________________________________。

4、把四项式 写成一个三次单项式与一个二次三项式之和:________________________。

5、不改变式子的值,在下面的括号内填上适当的项,使得在第一个括号内只含有一次项,在第二个括号内只含有二次项: =( )+( )


⑴ ;⑵






A、 B、

C、 D、

2、(2022年湖南衡阳中考题)已知 ,则 的值是( )

A、0 B、2 C、5 D、8



1、C 2、B 3、A 4、D 5、7x+3y+4z;a+b;4x2a3+a2b,a2b




1、D 2、B 3、 4、

5、 6、(1)314a;(2)114a




1、D 2、D

Spring Is Coming自主测评试题

初二英语Spring Is Coming自主测评试题

Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!


I 用所给词的适当形式填空20分 。

People enjoy _____ ( listen) to pop music。

Kate asked Li Hua _____ ( help ) her with Chinese。

______ ( not run) in the classroom。

Beckham usually ____( wear) his hat in a strong way。

How about ____ ( watch) a wonderful sitcom。

Let’s ____ ( have) a competition。

Tt’s _____ ( sun)。 please wear your sunglass。

There are five _____ ( different) between his brother and him。

They sing this song ____ ( happy)

10 There are many _____(tomato) in the field。

II 单选20分

( )1Thank for ____ me the way。

A tell B tells C telling D the tell

( )2 The teacher often helps us ____ our English。

A in B at C to D wish

( )3What are you going to do ____ Sunday afternoon。

A at B on C to D with

( )4ook at those monkeys 。 They are _____ and jumping all the time。

A runing B running C runs D run

( )5he big cat ______ a small tiger 。

A looks B looks like C looks the same D Looks as

( )6___ about this one?

A How’s B What C What’s D Which

( )7W hat _____ it is !

A a sunny weather B sunny weather C the suuny weather D suuny

( )8obody wants _____ late again。

A to B to be C be D be to

( )9 The weather in Australia is _____ that in China。

A the same B the same as C different D different from

( )10 What _____ the weather _____ last Saturday?

A is, like B was, like C is, D was,

( )11 I ___ think tigers in cages ____ happy。

A do, can B do , can’t D don’t, can D don’t can be

( )12 It’s bad to read _____ the sun。

A under B in C with D on

( )13 Wang Hong and Wang Li are twins 。 They ____。

A look the same B look the like C look like D look like

( )14 Did you enjoy _____ at the party。

A your B you C yourself D yourselfs

( )15 The wind was _______ all night。

A heavy B strong C strongly D heavily

( )16Don’t talk _____ in the classroom。

A aloud B loud C loudly D louding

( )17We have _____ school uniforms in school。

A wear B to wear C wears D wearing

( )18 The story made every people ____。

A to laugh B laugh C laughing D laughed

( )19— Who is Lisa______ ?

—MsRead。 They’re discussing the school trip。

A talking with B talking about C talk about D talk with

( )20 I waited for Tom _____ ten last night。

A to B until C for D by



What is the sky? Where is it? How1 is it? What lies above2 ? The question are difficult to 3 , aren’t they?

Is the sky blue? The sky has no4 。 Is the sky full 5 air? We know that there is air around the world。 When planes fly, they need air to lift their wings (翅膀) 。 Planes6 fly very high because when they go higher, the air gets 7 。 If we go far enough away from the 8 。 We find there is no air。

Maybe we can answer some of our questions now。 What is the sky? Nothing。 Where is it? It is all around the 9 , the sky is space (空间)。

In the space there is nothing10the sun, the moon and all the stars 。

( )1。A。far B。long C。big D。high

( )2。A。there B。it C。them D。here

( )3。 A。say B。answer C。tell D。ask

( )4。A。water B。cloud C。colour D。wind

( )5。 A。of B。at C。with D。in

( )6。 A。can B。will C。cannot D。must

( )7。 A。fatter B。thicker C。heavier D。thinner

( )8。 A。moon B。earth C。sun D。stars

( )9。 A。cities B。villages C。countries D。world

( )10。A。only B。and C。or D。but

IV Ⅶ。阅读理解30分



Mr。 White bought some things from a big shop last month and when he got the bill(账单) a few days later, he thought that there was a mistake in it。 So he telephoned the shop and asked to speak to the Accounts Department(会计处)。 “Who do you want to speak to in the Accounts Department?” the telephone operator(接线员)asked。 “It doesn’t matter to me,” Mr。 White answered。 He did not know the names of any of the people in the department, He heard nothing for a few seconds (秒)and then the operator said, “Hello, you wanted to speak to someone in the Accounts Department, didn’t you?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Mr。 White answered。

“Would you like to speak to Mr。 Hankinson?” the operator said。

“Yes, that’ll be all right,” Mr。 White said。 “It doesn’t matter。”

“I’m sorry, but Mr。 Hankinson isn’t in today。”

( )1。Mr。 White bought some things from ______。

A。the Accounts Department of a big shop

B。Mr。 Hankinson

C。a big shop yesterday

D。a big shop last month

( )2。Why did Mr。 White telephoned the shop?

A。Because he got the bill too late。

B。Because the things he bought were not good。

C。Because he thought there was a mistake in the bill

D。Because the telephone operator is one of his friends。

( )3。Who did Mr。 White want to speak to on the telephone?

A。The operator。

B。Mr。 Hankinson。

C。Anyone in the Accounts Department。

D。Anyone in the shop。

( )4。At last Mr。 White didn’t speak to Mr。 Hankinson because ______。

A。he didn’t know Mr。 Hankinson

B。Mr。 Hankinson didn’t know him

C。Mr。 Hankinson was very busy at the moment

D。Mr。 Hankinson wasn’t in the shop

( )5。Which one of the following is true?

A。Mr。 Hankinson wouldn’t like to speak to Mr。 White。

B。The telephone operator was very kind and friendly to Mr。 White。

C。Mr。 White’s bill was still(仍然) a problem。

D。The big shop changed(改变)the bill at last。


A little boy comes to a new town。 His name is Ale。 He is only less than ten years old 。 Of course he lives with his mother and father。 His family is very rich。 They live in a beautiful house with a big garden。 They have a driver, a cook, a gardener and a lot of servants(仆人) 。

Ale is going to a new school。 (On the first day his mother said to him, “Ale, be modest (谦虚) at your new school 。 Don’ t say we are rich。 ”

Ale says, “Yes, mummy。 ”

So Ale goes to school。 He meets his new teachers and new classmates。 And he sits down with the other children。 The teacher says, “Good morning, children。 The first composition () today is MY FAMILY。 ”

The boys and girls take out their exercise—books。 All of them begin to write。 Ale writes, “My name is Ale。 My family is very poor。 My father is very poor。 The gardener is very poor。 The cook is very poor。 And all the other servants are very poor。 So I am very poor too。…”

( )6。Ale’ s family ______。

A。 hasn’t a car B。 has a car

C。 has a bus D。 has a bike

( )7。On the first day, his mother told him to ______。

A。 be careful at his new school

B。 be modest

C。 study hard at school

D。 listen to the teachers

( ) 8。At the new school Ale meets ______。

A。 not only his new teachers but also his new classmates

B。 a driver, a gardener, a cook and a lot of servants

C。 his father and mother

D。 one of his friends

( )9Which of the following is true?

A。 Ale writes a very good composition。

B。 Ale was the modest in his class。

C。 Ale writes better than any of his classmates。

D。 Ale doesn’t tell the truth。

( )10。To the mother, Ale is a ______boy。

A。good B。bad C。poor D。small


The Piano Concert

A young woman in a small German town was going to give a piano concert。 Her posters (海报)said she was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist。

This was not true 初中语文。

One day the woman learned that Liszt himself was in town。 Now people would find out she would never be able to give a concert again。 What would she do?

Finally (最后), she went to see the famous man himself。 She told him everything。 Her parents were dead and she was alone。 She had to make a living。 She decided to give piano lessons to rich children。 But who would send their children to an unknown young woman? So she told people Franz Liszt was her teacher。

“I believe (相信)you,” Liszt said。 “You’ve done wrong, but I can see you are truly (真正地) sorry about it。 That’s enough。 Now let me hear you play。”

The young woman was shy (害羞)at first。 But then she saw Liszt smiling。 It made her feel better。 Now she wasn’t afraid any more。 She started playing。 She put her heart into it and she played wonderfully (精彩地)。 Liszt was quite pleased。

When she finished, she turned to look at Liszt。 There was a smile on his face。 She could see he was pleased。 Then Liszt gave her some advice (建议)。 After he finished, he said, “Now you really are my pupil。 Go ahead with your concert。 And you can add (加) a note to the posters。 Say that your teacher himself will be there。 He will play the last piece。”


( )11。 The young woman was going to give a piano concert because she was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist。

( )12。 The young woman decided to tell Liszt about her posters。

( )13。 Liszt wanted the young woman to play a piece for him。

( )14 Liszt was quite pleased when the young woman played wonderfully。

( )15 Liszt said he was going to the concert and was going to play the last piece。




1。 one day, hear the sound, play, outside

2。 look out of, and, what, see

3。 some, play football, fly kites, boat

4。 play, laugh, happy



I 1 listening 2 to help 3 Don’t run 4 wears 5 watching 6 have 7 sunny 8 differences 9 happily 10 tomatoes

II 1C 2 D 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 B 7B 8B 9 B 10B 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 C 15 B 16 C 17 B 18 B 19 A 20 B

III。1。D 2。B 3。B 4。C 5。A 6。C 7。D 8。B 9。D 10。D

IV1。D 2。C 3C 4。D 5。C。6。B 7。B 8。A9。D 10。A11 F 12 T 13 T 14 T 15 T

V。 1。One day, Mr Green heard the sound of children playing outside。

2。He looked out of the window and what could he see?

3。Some children were playing football, some were flying kites, others were boating。

4。 They were playing and laughing happily。




1。 上家政课____________________________ 2。 在阅读周内看杂志_________________

3。 一周两次上历史课____________________ 4。 在每堂课将近结束时_______________

5。 这个词的含义________________________ 6。 向某人讲述你理想的学校___________

7。 暑假的长度__________________________ 8。 帮我了解新学校的一切_____________

9。 学习怎样做饭和缝纫__________________ 10。 在8年级________________________

1。 have Economics lessons 2。 read magazines in the reading week

3。 have history lessons twice a week 4。 near the end of each class

5。 the meaning of the word 6。 tell sb about the ideal school

7。 the length of 初一 the summertime 8。 help me all about the new school

9。 learn how to cook and sew 10。 in Year 8



要学定语从句,得知道什么是定语。定语是用来限定、修饰名词或代词的。例如,a good book, good就是定语。那么复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句就叫做定语从句。定语从句由关系代词或关系副词引导,相当于形容词,在句中作定语。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose等,绝对没有what;关系副词有where, when, why,how等。关系词放在先行词和定语从句之间,起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的某个成分。


1、由who, whom, that,Whose引导的从句

这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,who作主语指人,whom作宾语指人,that既可作主语又可作宾语(作宾语可以省略),可以指人也可以指物。Whose 用来指人或物,只用作定语。

(1) Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他是那个想见你的男人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语)

(2) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday。 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语)

(3) The man whom you spoke to just now is our English teacher 你刚刚说话的那个男人是我们的

(4) he man whose son is a doctor is our professor。 那个儿子是医生的男人是我们的教授。

2、由which, that引导的从句


(1) Prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside。 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在从句中作主语)

(2) The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped。 你拿那个包裹快要散开了。(which / that在从句中作宾语)

注意: 代表物时多用which,但在下列情况中用that而不用which:

a)先行词是anything, everything, nothing , none等不定代词时;

b)先行词由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等修饰时,这时的that常被省略;






h)先行词同时又被the only,the very,the same修饰时;


1、when指时间在定语从句中做时间状语也可做连接词用 I still remember the day when I first came to the school。

2、where指地点在定语从句中做地点状语 Shanghai is the city where I was born。

3、why指原因在定语从句中做原因状语 ,用在reason 后面。 Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane。



典型例题:You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it。

A。 who B。 whom C。 whom D。 who

解析:先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom。因为, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略。第二个从句who could do it。who在从句中作主语,不可省略。




典型例题:I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together。

A。 when; which B。 which; when C。 what; that D。 on which; when

解析:。 两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when。 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句。





Everyone has some unforgettable experience。

Last term my leg was badly hurt in a football match, and I had to stay in bed for two weeks。 While I was worrying about school work at home, my classmate, Tom came to help me。 He told me what the teacher taught in class, and helped me a lot with my math problems。 I was deeply moved because he kept teaching me until I returned to school。 I was glad that I caught up with my classmates。

From then on, we became best friends。 I understood that a friend in need is a friend indeed。 I won’t forget this unforgettable experience forever。

Everyone has some unforgettable experience。 I will never forget my first volunteer work。

Last summer, our class went to a 初中化学 country primary school to help the students there。 First, we gave away some books and school things to them。 Then we talked about school life。 I was quite shy before, but to my surprise, I talked with some students for almost an hour。 Finally, we played games together。 All of us felt happy。

By doing the volunteer work, I not only got happiness, but also become more confident。 It made me understand that giving is receiving







我们平常的英语和中考的听力题型几乎是固定的。我们可以逐个地将各个题型的题目拿来练习,也就是选一段日子来专攻一个题型,并且把这段时间学习的经验总结 中考,把错题也分析总结。



对此,专家举例出,对于会考到细节题的短文,我们要精听;对于考主题的文章我们就泛听。当然,“策略”还包括许多学习的小窍门。比如我们在听短文时,心里要怀着“what, who, which, when, where, why, how”,也就是七个“W”来听,就能很快掌握大意。





A、x—y+1=—(—x—y+1) B、2b—a—c=2b—(a—c)

C、2x—y+z—1=2x—y—(—z+1) D、3x2—5x2—3x+4=3x3—5x2+(3x—4)


A、—a—b—3c+d B、—a+b+3c—dC、—a+b+3c+d D、—a+b—3c—d



















A、(4xy2—2xy)—(3x2—2) B、(3x2—2)—(2xy—4x2y)

C、(3x2—2)—(2xy+4xy2) D、(4xy2+2xy)—(2—3x2)










1、(2022年福建莆田中考题改编)下列运算正确的是( )
















