

日期:2023年07月31日 分类:优美句子


1、Gifts of roses, hand there are lingering fragrance。赠人玫瑰,手有余香。

2、A genuine scholar truly amazing place, is secretly do many great work and was not so famous。

3、As one fence needs three stakes, a good guy needs three fellows。一个篱笆打三个桩,一个好汉要有三个帮。

4、The snow to send carbon。雪中送碳。

5、It is better to give than to take。施比受更有福。

6、With all its beauty, the lotus needs green leaves to set it off。荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。

7、I just do something to my meager to serve truth and justice services。我要做的.只是以我微薄的绵力来为真理和正义服务。

8、Find in helping others is a virtue。助人为乐是一种美德。

9、I help others, can get the help of others。我帮别人的人,能得别人的帮助。

10、Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happiness。金银财宝不算真富,团结友爱才是幸福。

11、More people produce greater strength, more logs make a bigger fire。柴多力量高,人多力量大。

12、Help people to start from the little things, not good for small and for。助人要从日常小事做起,不因善小而不为。

13、Modernization need find in helping others spirit。现代化建设需要助人为乐的精神。




One morning,a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside a huge window,which overlooked the Tred Avon River.Suddenly she leaned forward and cried out,"There is a goose out there!"

We saw the figure of a large Canada goose,very still,its wings folded tight to its sides and its feet frozen to the ice.

Then in the sky,she saw a line of swans.They flew from the top of the sky downward and at last landed on the ice.My friend was on her feet,with one unbelieving hand against her mouth.As the swans surrounded the frozen goose,she feared that the poor goose might be pecked out by those great swan bills.

Unexpectedly,those bills began to work on the ice.The long necks were lifted and curved down(弯下)again and again.They went on for a long time.At last,the goose was free and standing on the ice.And the swans stood nearby watching.Then,as if the goose was crying,"I cannot fly",four of the swans came down around it.Their powerful bills chipped off the ice stuck in its feathers.Slowly,the goose spread its wings as far as they would go.Seeing the goose could freely move its wings,the swans flew slowly into the sky.

This is a true story.Every time I think of it,I cant help asking,"If so for birds,why not for man?"


Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.

For example.If one day,your classmate is on dute.maybe you could help him to clean up the classroom.You may ask me why i help him?It doesnt have any good ways for me.You are wrong.

When you are on dute,but you have to go home,then what you are going to do?I think you could ask your classmate for help.They may glad to help you.Because you have helped him,so they will helpyou too.

You help him toclean up the classroom also can make the classroom gets bright and clear.It can makes you and your classmates feel well in the classroom,so you will get good grades.

So you see helping others is helping oursevles!


Many students in our class often said:"If we have time,we will go out of school to do something for our society".I agreed with them.We hope to have a special day every week to help others.Last month we went to an old peoples home and sang some beautiful songs and performed a play for them.The old people were so happy that they asked us to see them again.I think we should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.We should be allowed to have Friday afternoon to volunteer and help the people who need our help.Because everyone needs help.


Last Sunday,I went to Haimen to go shopping.I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street.

I wondered what was happening there.I hurried to go there to take a look.I ran quickly.To my surprise,there was a girl sitting in the street.The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old.There was also a piece of paper in front of her.It said,"…my family dont have enough money for me to go to school…"

I was very sad to see that.I couldnt help giving some money to the girl.The girl was very grateful to me.She said,"Thank you!"I was glad to do it.Then I went away with a smile.

That day I had a dream in the evening; I dreamt that I had a lot of money.I did a lot of wonderful things.I helped the poor and the old.

After the dream,I know that we should be kind to others.If they are in trouble,we will try to help them out of trouble.Then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful.Then we will have a nice life.Dear friends,try to be a kind person,the world will be nicer and nicer.


We live on the same earth and all of us are members of the large family.We should help each other in order to make our lives more colorful.So I think its our duty to help the people in trouble.

First,helping others is to help ourselves.We all will come across lots of difficulties in our lives.We also need others to help us when we are in trouble or danger.Now we give our love and care to others,then we are sure to receive love and care from others some day.Second,helping others is a good way to show our politeness.Its good manners to help others.If we do so,well improve ourselves and become the pride of our parents.

So we should try to help others in our everyday lives.There is a famous saying"All for one and one for all."!Lets learn it by heart for ever!


In the money-oriented society,some people are becoming more and more impersonal.They are reluctant to give a helping hand to those in need.From my perspective,helping others means helping yourself.My story can well illustrate my point.

Many a time have I turned to my desk-mate for help when I face problems in my study.She was always very patient with me and never made any complaint,although they were very time-consuming.She said it was not a waste of time helping others,and instead,she could have deeper comprehension of the related knowledge.So helping others will benefit you yourself as well.

Be ready to provide assistance to others,and then others will come to your aid when you are in trouble.What is more important is that doing others a favor leaves considerable satisfaction and happiness with us.We feel we are needed and respected.As the saying goes,Roses given,fragrance in hand.


In these given examples,many people pass by someone who need help,while didnt give them a hand.And these examples are not single,but happened almost everywhere.The problem may not because people do not have sympathy,but worry about get into trouble.Before they give the strangers help the may fist think"if the strangers will do harm to meThere are always many cheaters"but not"the people need help,I should give him a hand".They always think about themselves first.

Now many of us have recognized the problem and given their own advances.Most of the advances are about legislating a law to punish those who dont give others help.But I think this is not the best way.On the one hand,its too sorrowful to see that we should depend on legislation to solve the problem about morality.This is the degeneration of humanity.On the other hand,a law cant solve the problem totally because it cant change peoples mind.We shouldnt try to punish someone but to rebuild a environment to help each other.For example,the parents should teach their children to help people who need help,but not to teach them get away from troubles.

As to myself,I think I can also do some useful things.Such as help others actively,and tell other people to give help,so as not to feel helpless when we need others help.

And what about my family members think about the decline of moralityThey all agree with my opinion that we should learn from these examples and give others help.My mother said she would help that injured girl since she is a doctor,and she is also a mother,she know how worried her mother will be.My father said that more parents should let their children know the important to help others.Everyone should contribute to rebuild a warm society.

While,there will be a long way for us to go.


Write a short case study with no less than 150 words.In the 1st paragraph you need to give some advice,then in the last paragraph you should explain why you think it is good advice.

Offering a helping hand.

When we are in trouble in our lives,we may hope that we can get some helps from others.

My friend Allen was upset a few days ago,the CET 4 is coming,he was hard-working for studying English,but he d

idnt passed the daily tests,he thought it was no use and he wanted to give it up,I thought he should continue it because he have prepared for a long time.I told him that and he should review knowledge like vocabulary,listening,reading,and he should to learn to control the time.In the last test,he passed it and he regained confidence.

I think that offering a helping hand is a kind of quality to show that you have a warm heart.First of all,it is normal to face troubles,we will get it over if we get some helps,nobody can defeat a person if he was determined to stand up to every failure.Also,it is our duty to offer a helping hand when people have difficult doing something.Next,it is very easy for us to help others,maybe it is just a small thing like picking the books,and they may appreciate your help.Your friends might learn the significance ofconfidence and optimism because of your helping hand.


Several years ago,a young man helped an old lady whose fell down by herself up but the old lady branded the young man knocked her down,and unfortunately the judge sentenced it was the young mans fault.However,it was later proven the judge was wrong.From then on,the number of pedestrians helping the old in need has significantly decreased.The citizens are pleasure to help the old people ,but they are more afraid to be in trouble.That is so weird in an ancient civilized country which has five thousand years of history and the tradition of respecting the old and cherishing the young.

So,should we help the old in need if it might incur troubleYes,of cause we should help them,on my opinion,but firstly we must protect ourselves from the misunderstanding of the passerby.As one netizen said that he would consider helping the old people if someone record the entire process with a camera.Besides,respecting the old is the tradition of our country and the need of harmonious society.On the one hand,we should give the old man a hand to help him up when he fall down.On the other hand,it is essential that the government guides and should make laws to protect those good-hearted persons.

In China,as well as the Europe and Japan,the proportion of old people is on the increase.Only when we realize the importance of helping aging people can we be devoted to building a harmonious society.


last sunday,i went to haimen to go shopping.i saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when i was walking down the street.

i wondered what was happening there.i hurried to go there to take a look.i ran quickly.to my surprise,there was a girl sitting in the street.the girl with a school bag was about 17 years old.there was also a piece of paper in front of her.it said,"…my family dont have enough money for me to go to school…"

i was very sad to see that.i couldnt help giving some money to the girl.the girl was very grateful to me.she said,"thank you!" i was glad to do it.then i went away with a smile.that day i had a dream in the evening; i dreamt that i had a lot of money.i did a lot of wonderful things.i helped the poor and the old.

after the dream,i know that we should be kind to others.if they are in trouble,we will try to help them out of trouble.then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful.then we will have a nice life.dear friends,try to be a kind person,the world will be nicer and nicer.



























1. 帮助他人的同时也帮助了自己。

2. 救人一命胜造七级浮屠。

3. 千里送鹅毛,物轻礼重。

4. 助人是人格升华的标志。

5. 帮人帮到底,送佛送到西。

6. 荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。

7. 一堆沙子是松散的,可是它和水泥石子水混合以后,比花岗岩还坚硬。

8. 最好的满足就是给别人以满足。

9. 穷者独善其身,达者兼善天下。

10. 花要叶扶,人要人帮。

11. 现代化建设需要助人为乐的精神。

12. 柴多力量高,人多力量大。

13. 真正的快乐来自于帮助别人。

14. 君子贵人贱己,先人而后己。

15. 举手之劳,何足挂齿。

16. 为别人点一盏灯,照亮别人,也照亮了自己。

17. 病人之病,忧人之忧。

18. 当你学会了,尝试去教人;当你获得了,尝试去给予。

19. 我们无法帮助每个人,但每个人能帮助到某些人。
































